Monday, June 22, 2015

Blind Item #2

This former A- list mostly movie actress has finally dropped to B+ list. Steady work, but nothing memorable. She shocked a hotel she checked into this past week when she said she didn't want her kids on the same floor with her. It distracted her. It isn't like she is making quality stuff here while she waits for the never coming sequel to her hit movie.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Zoe Saldana

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM


  3. back again11:53 PM

    arghhh...i give site's not loading...zoe saldana

  4. back again11:54 PM

    oh okay, it wont give my +1 either.. whatever

  5. Kno Won Uno11:54 PM

    I agree that it's Saldana. She doesn't seem delighted with motherhood, although WTF do I know.

  6. Tricia1311:59 PM

    The only other possibility is Megan Fox and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 shitshow she is filming now. Didnt she check into hotel b/c BAG caught cheatin?

  7. alice1:40 AM

    Zaldana. She was bitching and demanding studios should pay for her babysitters.

  8. PlasticPony3:25 AM

    How does Zoe have a career. She is a terrible actress. Why is she hired?

  9. It cant be Saldana. It reads "never coming sequel." The Avatars are coming and coming and coming and nothing will stop them until one of them bombs.

  10. Whywhywhy???4:01 AM

    I'm guessing blow jobs better than Superhead? Hate to think a mom of babes a few months old doesn't want to hang out with them. Post partum?

  11. DoctorMaybe9:44 AM

    Zoe Saldana waiting "for the never coming sequel to her hit movie"? What the hell? The third "Star Trek" movie is filming this month and anyone who thinks that the Marvel movie-machine ever misses even a single step in its relentless march forward is smoking serious crack. Zoe Saldana isn't "waiting" on anything. This ain't her.
