Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly television actress who plays the same role in both movies and television was doing press for her show and had three different reporters ask her about her weight and were basically fat shaming her. The actress started crying. She looks amazing and I wish she would have come back at them with something but just kept right on answering the other questions of reporters.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Melissa McArthy

  2. Tricia1312:34 AM

    or Gabi Souderibe/Empire?

  3. Kno Won Uno12:41 AM

    If she recently gained or lost a lot of weight, of course they asked. You don't want questions, don't leave the house - if you earn your living (and a DAMNED GOOD living) in front of cameras, it's just moronic to be shocked (shocked!) that a perceptive human might notice a substantial change.
    Reporters aren't likely to piss off an A- list actress, especially not three of them at the same event. Therefore, I call bullshit.
    I'm so totally over everyone's *extreme* sensitivity about every frickin thing. Fat-shaming, thin-shaming, otherkin shaming, triggering, waaaaaa, waaaaaa... Grow up. The world doesn't exist entirely to protect you from unpleasantness. Jesus.

  4. Now, more than ever, celebs MUST have thick skin. I agree that if they can't handle the ugliness of reporters, social media, etc, then they should run, not walk, away from Hollywood.

  5. Melissa for Spy.

    I haven't seen any comments for the last several threads I opened even though it says there are comments.

  6. Tricia139:18 AM

    Hey H20..i guessed Melissa M this morning too-but Spy is a film. I think its Mindy Kaling

  7. I like Mindy Kaling for this one

  8. sierrarose5:42 AM

    People who have been harassed or shamed aren't asking the world for comfort; they would settle for the abusive party to be quiet and leave them alone. Why should someone who is intentionally nasty be given a free pass for their behavior?
