Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Blind Item #4

This B list mostly television actress works a lot, but is best known for her long running network show that recently set a trend for that network when it comes to other past hit shows from the network. Our actress was at an event the other day and was a shell of her former self. Always slim, she has lost so much weight that people were afraid she would pass out just from the effort of walking the red carpet.


  1. Tricia1312:31 AM

    Portia Di rossi

  2. Derek Harvey12:32 AM

    Beth Behrs?

  3. Tricia1312:32 AM

    trend being Srrested Development/Netflix/TV shows streaming

  4. Derek Harvey12:33 AM

    "This B list mostly television actress works a lot, but is best known for her long running network show that recently set a trend for that network when it comes to other past hit shows from the network. " Does not make much sense---how can something set a trend on something from the past?

  5. back again12:37 AM

    good guess @ Tricia---hard to decipher that one!

  6. Tricia1312:38 AM

    thanks Brin!

  7. Kno Won Uno12:41 AM

    I can't figure out how the brain that types this stuff works.
    I'm assuming it means reruns/residuals from a past show set a record price for future broadcast/streaming, which may translate to other past shows looking to be sold to an almost network or streaming service. How close am I?

  8. CrashDiego12:41 AM

    Not Portia unless you count 3 network and one Netflix season long running. AD was cancelled really early.

  9. back again12:43 AM

    um,i'm not Brin!-why does everyone keep thinking i'm someone else? ; )

  10. Tricia1312:44 AM

    Ally McBeal would be the long running show
    AD the one that set the trend

  11. back again12:45 AM

    I thought people complained though that Arrested development was pulled off the Air Too Soon & had a big cult following.

  12. Tricia1312:50 AM

    sorry BA! lol

  13. back again12:53 AM

    Anna Lynne McCord-90210--starting the trend of reboots of older shows like 90210 & DALLAS

  14. back again12:55 AM

    McCord was on rebooted 90210 from 2008-2013? (it's a wierd BI).
