Monday, June 15, 2015

Blind Item #6

There was just something super creepy about this B list mostly television actor who has been a lead or recurring character on network shows (made his name in long running network hit) for almost three decades hitting on women in their late teens and early 20's. He is almost three times their age. It might also be why his last marriage crashed and burned.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Kelsey grammar

  2. Derek Harvey1:14 AM

    Kelsey is A list and still married

  3. Tricia131:25 AM

    says "last marriage" , not "latest marriage"
    His last TV show bombed as well. He has not had a hit show in a very long time.

  4. CeeSaw1:31 AM

    Richard Belzer would fit the recurring roles of John Much thatn spans three decades as he was on Himicide, then Law and Order, then Law and Order SVU. The only snafu, is he has been married since 1985. It is his third marriage, however. And I don't want it to be him, but there were rumors he was let go for hitting on Pinos wife. Anybody else has a spanning charachter like this?

  5. desk_hack1:59 AM

    It's Kelsey Grammer. He hit on my friend when she was only fourteen. This was during the Cheers days but I'm sure he hasn't changed.

  6. sandybrook2:30 AM

    Don Johnson, there's no way Kelsey is B list.

  7. Jimmy2:54 AM

    Kelsey is permanent A List.

  8. Maybe Terry O'Quinn who played Locke on Lost...he's done a lot of tv and divorced in 2012, aged 62,

  9. Belzer has only been married once, as far as I know. Still married. Doesn't mean he wouldn't hit on young women however

  10. JustSaying11:05 AM

    Danny DeVito
