Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Blind Item #6

At an after party Sunday night this pint sized former A list rapper started screaming at this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who has a really big film on the horizon. Apparently he would only kiss her on the cheek and she started yelling at him for not hitting on her. She said he thought he was too good for her. The scene she made was epic. Well, normal for her, but epic for most places.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Lil Kim and

  2. Tricia131:05 AM

    lil Kim Micahel T. Jordan (Fantastic Fours)?
    Jaime Foxx ?

  3. Kno Won Uno1:07 AM

    I want this to be Common

  4. Gosssipgal1:19 AM

    Lil Kim

  5. @Tricia

    Yes Lil Kim and Michael "B" (for bae) Jordan

  6. back again1:49 AM

    I like Michael B.Jordan very much...& he's sooo cute. I got to spend some time with him before & after original screening of "Fruitvale Station" & he was so charmingly nervous-i like him even more after this story!

  7. TalksTooMuch2:05 AM

    Well, as sexy as it sounds to have that plastic surgery nightmare screamspitting in your face, Mr. Jordan is to be commended for even kissing part of it. If it is Lil Kim. She looks NOTHING like herself

  8. Lil Kim's face looks like a carwreck.
