Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Blind Item #7

This closeted A list mostly movie actor who should have won an Academy Award this past year has a non-bear beard that he uses now when he is hooking up with other men. She is one of the very few people the actor trusts 100%. When he is with another guy, she is always around. Not participating or anything, but to make sure there are no interruptions and to make sure the other guy does not do anything or try and take photos. The added benefit our actor gets is that it looks like he is with a woman.


  1. Derek Harvey1:30 AM

    jake gylenhaul

  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    ruth wilson

  3. Tricia131:35 AM

    Jake Gyllenhall/Greta Caruso(Longtime BF)

  4. Tricia131:40 AM

    A Ripped Jake Gyllenhaal Vacations in Italy with Longtime Best Friend Greta Caruso/http://www.people.com/article/jake-gyllenhaal-greta-caruso-italy-photos

  5. TheDude781:40 AM

    He wasn't nominated for an Oscar, but I think it's him too. It was a snub, and the only other person who could fit, based on the actual nominees and ranking is Bradley Cooper, but this doesn't fit his behavior.

  6. Sadie1:53 AM

    Tom Hardy is married, so it's Jake Gyllenhaal.

    Both of them deserved an Oscar a lot more than any of the people who were nominated.

  7. Simon1:55 AM

    A lot of people thought Bradley cooper deserved an Oscar for American sniper.

  8. Based off the nominees list, I'll say Bradley Cooper

  9. PoppyBlackOfLondon2:04 AM

    I'm always late but it's Jake G. Many people beliebelbelieved he should have been nominated for Nightcrawler. He's been in Italy recently with a girl pal.

  10. Georgia3:37 AM

    What's a non-bear beard?

  11. Tricia133:45 AM

    @Georgia-I believe it is meant to be non beard -beard: a woman who is not traditonal beard material: not doing it for publicity/career gain/but for other reasons, this case friendship.

  12. Michael Keaton! He got totally shafted.

  13. Wendy5:45 AM

    He wasn't nominated for an Oscar but he was nominated for a Globe though, so I can see Enty saying that.

  14. Sadie
    Tue Jun 02 2015
    Tom Hardy is married, so it's Jake Gyllenhaal. Both of them deserved an Oscar a lot more than any of the people who were nominated.

    Being married sure as hell didn't stop Tom Hardy from jumping in hot tubs with naked models courtesy of Leo dicaprio. Marriage means very little to these men.

  15. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~8:56 AM

    Leonardo DiCaprio

  16. Sure do like the Michael Keaton guess.

  17. @PoppyBlackOfLondon,No,Caruso runs her own small foods initiative. She has no time to beard (

  18. Wilson is with him when they see plays together. So he's only hooking up with men, under the guise of seeing The Tempest at Public Theater, Hamilton, Skylight, Hedwig, and at least 4 other plays together?

  19. Caruso has ties to small foods growers including in Italy. He lends celebrity to their fundraising with or without Caruso's involvement (DC Greens dinner in May; endorsement of some world convention in Venice or Rome this October.)

  20. These blinds don't "fit with behavior" because people's lives are more complex than the patterns claimed by blinds. They get photographed unaware, by random people for their own social media accounts, almost daily. When blinds claim "always", it only fits 1~2 events in pap photos, out of 20 other social media postings (in a week!) where someone called a "beard" isn't even around often enough to be a "beard". Which means some suspected celebrity only hooks up 1~2 times a year?!
