Monday, June 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 30, 2015

I hope there were multiple layers of protection used when this B+ reality star from a long running cable show who also has lots of side projects and sugar daddies and a supposed significant other had sex with this former B+ list reality star turned Vegas mainstay. He probably said she was DTF.

Farrah Abraham/Pauly D (and then a week or so later she suddenly had no boyfriend any longer)


  1. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM

    This is why I fear hotel bed spreads.

  2. Big Noise From Winnetka1:43 AM

    When I saw "Paul D," for some reason I first thought "Pauly Shore." Either way, that's scary.

  3. Big Noise From Winnetka1:44 AM

    Oops, make that "Pauly."

  4. Scarlett Drawl2:31 AM

    So much ick in this blind.

  5. back again4:20 AM

    uhhhh....'dtf' would suffice.No need for 'DTF'. I believe we have The Urban Dictionary For Idiots Enty today guys.......btw,mornin' y'all. Hope it was a grand weekend & nice Father's day for those of you who celebrate it!

  6. Malibuborebee11:18 AM

    I know that some whores have boyfriends and that's fine. Farrah Abraham only has clients unless it's a pimp or a leech.

  7. TheCousinEddy1:09 PM

    I can only imagine the aftermath of all of that hair gel and spray tan residue and who knows what else. I hope the sheets were burned by the housekeeping staff. I cringe to think of the potential offspring that that unholy union would create and pray that suitable contraceptives were used by both parties.

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