Sunday, June 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 13, 2007

Speaking of lap dances. Well not now, but in #2 anyway. This B list actor from a very long running television series which ended gracefully loves the strip clubs and loves the lap dances. What he doesn't do is tip though. He pays exactly the cost and nothing more and gets really upset if he feels the song is too short. All of the ladies are tired of his act especially since he said he was just doing it for research. Of course his research has been an almost every day for six months kind of research. His wife must be thrilled.

Eric McCormack


  1. Scarlett Drawl1:24 AM

    No!!!! Not Will!

  2. NoseyNeighbor3:11 AM

    I would have sent the lady with the funkiest butt and BV to dance for him.

  3. TalksTooMuch7:06 AM

    Research Paper Title: How To Get Blackballed From Showgirls

    Subtitle: My Grant Didn't Come Through

  4. TheCousinEddy8:35 AM

    In most establishments, the going price for a "lap dance" or "table dance" is $20/song. In some places the going rate may be $25. Cash is best. Some establishments may make you buy what are called "Dancer Dollars" which are essentially coupons or vouchers that you give the dancer instead of cash. Most dancers are generally independent contractors and pay a "floor fee" to dance at a given establishment on a given night. Some work at several different establishments and some may even travel to larger cities for big events or conventions (Superbowl, OTC, Big Fight in Vegas, etc.). Worst thing to do (imho) is to pay for your dances with a credit card or on the same credit card tab as your drinks. Best advice, DON'T use a credit card in these establishments, period. Also, "tips" usually occur if you have had a particular girl dance a number of songs for you or if you enjoyed her company. The girls understand the $20/$25 per dance and if you don't want a dance or quit spending money, they just move on to the next mark. They are there to make money. Period. The more they hustle, the more they make. It is not uncommon for a dancer to make several thousand dollars on a good night. It isn't uncommon to negotiate a fee with a dancer to spend a period of time with her at your table/booth or in the VIP or "champagne room". Customarily, you'll have to pay an extra fee to enter that area, buy an actual bottle of way overpriced "champagne", or generously tip one of the floor managers. Just don't expect any extra services from your dancer unless you're willing to pay both financially and with possible jail time if the local vice cops show up in the middle of your indiscretions. So, to sum it up: 1) pay cash, 2) tip your dancer extra if you feel so inclined but don't expect them to stick around for very long if you're not spending money, 3) Pay for your drinks separately and always tip your cocktail waitress, 4) Have fun but don't be an ass.

    This has been Cousin Eddy's brief tutorial on "Gentlemen's" Establishments.

    P.S. Some of these places actually have really good buffets and employ excellent chefs. If you aren't too discerning about eating a nice prime rib with all of the accoutrements while some girl is grinding on the guy one table over to Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me", then you can sometimes actually have a nice meal for the same price as you might pay for a McDonald's Quarter Pounder Combo.

    "Now dancing on the main stage: Trixie!"

  5. back again8:49 AM

    Thanks For The Primer Cousin Eddy! Your blurb was much more enlightening & sure beat the article about the 2nd escaped convict they just caught near the Canada border that I was gonna read!
