Monday, June 15, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 14, 2015

While his A-/B+ list mostly movie actress wife stepped away from the cashier for a second to take a phone call, the cashier gave the husband the total price and was waiting for the husband to pay. The husband looked around and mumbled that his wife would pay.That is generally how it goes. His wife gives him just $50 a week.

Zoe Saldana


  1. Derek Harvey2:07 AM

    They both seem like losers

  2. Derek Harvey2:08 AM

    I just got an error msg saying "you are posting too quickly slow down"??? lol----enty the format here is absurd.

  3. sandybrook2:20 AM

    Well he's definitely a loser. Supposed to be an artist and last week he took her last name, so it sounds to me like he's desperate and probs pussy-whipped too.

  4. $50 a week is not enough. IF their finances were reversed, she'd be demanding more.

  5. texasrose3:30 AM

    So both are desperate.

  6. NoWhining3:44 AM

    @david: "if the roles were reversed" is not an equal swap in this instance. A man's part in creating a baby (sperm) is far less than a woman's (@9 months of pregnancy with nutritional constraints, the actual birthing and physical ramifications, breast feeding, etc., etc.). She had the babies, she's most likely paying for all medical costs along with all the nannies. He's doing what?

    All that said, if you marry someone with little to no income or career prospects or inclination to acquire such (and/or a gold digger), expect to pay the consequences.

  7. Cupcakes4all4:26 AM

    she is desperate and he looks like a wonder he wears those same suede runover boots

  8. And-so-on..4:57 AM

    Did she tell him not to get a job? Or is always being with her.. the bills are paid.. his escort, bodyguard-husband job?

  9. Groaning5:34 AM

    I thought her husband was a former soccer player? Shouldn't he have some money from when he used to work?

  10. I don't believe this blind anyway, but about the last name thing - they both hyphenated their last names. They are Perego-Saldana, in the Latino tradition. Why is that such a scandal?

  11. Whywhywhy???12:33 PM

    I'm have to ride with Derek on this one.

  12. He will K-fed her when they get a divorce. He will never get a job.

  13. Anonymouse11:27 AM

    He's a well-established Italian artist. Just because he's not well known in the US doesn't mean he's a loser
