Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 18, 2015

Billboard Music Awards

Nothing like a diva fight. No actual punches thrown, but there was a lot of shade being thrown by this A list diva in her mind who does a lot of everything but is only A+ list when it comes to divaing directed at this A list singer who had a bad week. Not only was the diva throwing knives, but sent her minion to walk past the A lister backstage and say a few choice words too.

Jennifer Lopez/Mariah Carey/Casper Smart


  1. Kno Won Uno2:24 AM

    Oh, Casper...your penis & testicles should be recalled. You're not even your *own* ©µnτ - you're a ©µnτ's ©µnτ. Is there a lower rung?

  2. back again2:49 AM

    more importantly, @Kno, how do you type upside down 'h' s ?

  3. Hobag witch.

  4. Cupcakes4all8:50 AM

    I cannot stand JHO and her man loving boy toy--she is pitiful in her 40's, everyone snickers at her and her ugly ghost.

  5. And-so-on..11:32 AM

    She's holding on until Bad Boy Ben is free.. then she can really be miserable, seduce, chase and fight like cats and dogs trying to pin him down..

  6. oh. no.5:28 AM

    Sometimes I just come here because I miss the poetry of @And-so-on... he/she always shares their incisive observations in the most charming and disarming manner. You can always count on some real smarts combined with a certain joy de vivre. I also enjoy crytic crossword puzzles and find them spiritually soothing. However I'm pretty sure i wouldn't be able to decipher one written in French.
