Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

May 27, 2015

Easy Easy: What A-list reality star who is still technically married was in Dubai over Memorial Day weekend for a “beauty conference”? Is that what they’re calling it these days?

Khloe Kardashian


  1. And-so-on..2:48 AM

    Hair removal...! Pluck, shave, wax, laser.. that unwanted bit of fur out of your life .. virtually painless Yes.. I got strong and pure words about that worry.. with the warts, moles and is your scnooze too long..!

  2. Derek Harvey2:51 AM

    LOL @ the original comments

  3. AndrewBW3:17 AM

    Now that's what I call false advertising.

  4. Whywhywhy???3:27 AM

    Enty, are you saying Khloe gets to be a yacht girl? I find Caitlin reminds me a lot of Khloe, borrowed style??

  5. texasrose12:26 PM

    Normally I would assume the woman was there to sleep with some sheikh for $$ but in this case I am assuming some type of cage fight. I'm seeing a bunch of sheikh's watching a nude greased up Khloe wrassle a couple of south american pygmy's that were shipped in for the viewing event. For enough money you can get any type of event scheduled.
