Monday, June 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 31, 2007

Which two former A list actors have not spoken to each other in months because of a power struggle in an organization of which they are both members.

Tom Cruise/John Travolta


  1. TalksTooMuch3:27 AM

    That would be a fun cage match to watch! My money is on TC, he's wiry and he wants it more

  2. WestCoastSunset3:42 AM

    How come Scientology never gets hacked?

  3. @westcoastsunset - I've thought about that. They are crazy and I doubt any hackers are part of their group. It would be pretty damn easy IMO. also major payday.

  4. Groaning5:49 AM

    Wow, is golden boy Tom being replaced? I guess David finally got tired of Cruise.

    Scientologists never get hacked because they have a crap ton of lawyers and insane psycho stalkers who will make your life hell. Just look up project Snow White, to see how they infiltrated the government and got away with just a reprimand.

  5. Stuart7:01 AM

    Let the battle for the top bottom begin!

  6. Def TC and JT and that evil cult, but could the power struggle refer to Travolta backing a different head psycho over TC's bff Miscavaige (rather than the battle for top bottom as Stuart so eloquently put it).

  7. Malibuborebee5:10 PM

    It was over Miscabbage and TC/Misscabbage won. Now (supposedly) TC and Misscabbage are on the outs.

  8. tarap5:51 AM

    Speaking of Davey, has he poked his head out in public since Going Clear?
