Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5 -Kindness

May 27, 2015

This B list actress has been mostly television. A huge monster hit cable show and a bomb of a network show in which she was the lead. Another day and another chance at her own show. She is going out of her way to be nice to fans. For the past few days she has been inviting fans she sees around the set to come take a look and shows them her trailer and basically is a tour guide while she poses for photos and signs autographs and records voice mail greetings. She has probably done this for about 50 fans the past few days. Really nice move on her part.

Krysten Ritter


  1. Eric J.3:49 AM

    I'm guessing she was so good as "The B" that she wants to make sure that doesn't trail her as her real life image.

  2. Charlie4:25 AM

    I can't imagine this is true. You need to sign a confidentiality agreement before walking in the door of a marvel production. I don't see how the studio would be letting her do this.

  3. Scallywag5:07 AM

    They are shooting in NYC aren't they? This sounds like perhaps it is during location shoots.

  4. Daredevil2:50 AM

    I can actually confirm this. Took my son to a location shoot, hoping to see David Tennant (he's a big Who fan but he wasn't around that day) and she couldn't have been sweeter. My son got shy and wouldn't let me ask her to pass something on for an autograph but from how she was, I really didn't think it would have been a problem.
