Monday, June 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 8, 2015

I have to give this B+ list mostly movie actor who appeared in several of the largest box office hits in history before taking a lap through cable television. The actor was confronted by a drunk guy at a club out of the country and was called the f word. Repeatedly. Our actor was kind of trapped in a corner but managed to talk his way out of it even as the guy got more aggressive.

Elijah Wood


  1. f in the gay-bashing, derogatory word, or oddly called him a f**k which I guess could be used as a noun? CONFUSION. I assume since he is gay it's the former. He always struck me as a kind guy. Kudos, Mr. Elijah.

  2. Elijah's sexual orientation is none of my business. So, who cares?

  3. TalksTooMuch4:28 AM

    Pfft Elijah Wood isn't fat

  4. And-so-on..5:00 AM

    Sometimes he lets crazy eyes take time to hypnotize

  5. Groaning5:46 AM

    Elijah is such a class act.

  6. kpist5:50 AM

    FRODDO? Just kidding. He acted like a gentleman

  7. I've adored him since I saw him clean pee off the Osbourne's couch. He seems like such a sweet guy. Makes me sad people are so horrible to those of us who are different. So what if he likes guys. It's not like he's going to end up in that guy's bed. So why does he care so much? Makes my blood boil when people gay bash.
