Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #1

What mostly movie actress, currently starring on a hit TV show that got a second season right as the first one was starting, was partying hard in Cannes a few weeks ago and drank until she passed out? Don't believe anything her PR people say about it though..


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Tarijy B Hensen

  2. Derek Harvey12:30 AM

    Taraja P Henson

  3. JayJay1:07 AM

    Wouldn't Taraji P. Henson be mostly TV? She spent 2 1/2 seasons on Person of Interest. Now she's on Empire. She did some movies, but would she really be considered "mostly" movies?

  4. Derek Harvey1:17 AM

    I dont disagree JayJay---but I think she is the answer---she cae down with "food poisoning" last week in Europe and Entourage is the biggest hit of the past year.

  5. Tricia131:19 AM

    Empire is a big hit JayJay-renewed instantly.
    She has solid film background as well.

  6. Derek Harvey1:29 AM

    *Empire not Entourage haha

  7. Taraji who was in the hospital for "exhaustion". Glad it's not drugs.

  8. JayJay1:55 AM

    @Derek & Tricia = I know she's done a ton of film, but I don't remember her ever being asked to host SNL when she was doing movies. She may have come down with something last week, but Cannes wasn't last week. It ended the last week of May. Empire being renewed very early on isn't exactly unheard of either. Gotham was also renewed for a second season before the 1st season ended.

    Not that it couldn't be Taraji....... Probably is. I guess I like poking holes in Enty's/Mr. X's blinds.

  9. JayJay1:57 AM

    @AY = Being in the hospital for exhaustion is supposedly a power move to get a better deal on her contract with the show. I want to say Enty posted a blind about it yesterday?

  10. Tricia132:11 AM

    It was the Monaco Television conference I think@Jay. She was there with Terence Howard. Also The Cannes Lion conference happening ...

  11. Rachel McAdams. The Little Price showed at Cannes. She does one of the voices but I couldn't find out if she was there.

  12. Whywhywhy???3:50 AM

    I think it's cool she's related to a famous explorer. I have never seen her new show. Maybe it's good, it's certainly popular.

  13. murph5:52 AM

    Not sure, but Blind Gossip has the Taraji Henson hospital stay as a successful "sick out" power play for more money.

  14. Malibuborebee10:57 AM

    Good for her. She makes that show and that show is making a fortune.

    Pay her.

  15. texasrose12:34 PM

    I was going to guess Rachel McAdams also. True Detective as the show.
