Thursday, July 09, 2015

Blind Item #11

She considers herself the Queen of the new gay mafia. Look for this A+lister to start wearing My Family t-shirts or Mi Familia. You are only in her family if you are gay and play by her rules. If you are in her family, she can get you just about anything. And just like the mafia, you don't want to cross her. You might not be killed, but your life will be hell.


  1. Tricia134:49 AM

    or Madonna/vague

  2. Tricia134:50 AM

    Queen Latifah...more info Enty.

  3. Derek Harvey4:57 AM

    Miley Cyrus----VERY VERY involved with gay rights and is dating a girl

  4. Kno Won Uno4:58 AM

    Madonna's too old as is actually Italian, so I don't think this is her. One thing I learned living in Southern Italy - Italians don't joke about the family. This would be seen as a joke. She's still pretending to be English, right?
    Rihanna is basically high 24/7 (and who can blame her?!), on & off with Fist Brown and just not organized enough to form any kind of fun activity that requires circumspection.
    How's about Kathy The Mouth Griffin?

  5. Kno Won Uno5:00 AM

    I can see the little chipmunk thug thinking this is amusing.
    As an aside, if Miley & Teigen had a baby, its face would explode in utero.

  6. Taylor Swift

  7. Kno Won Uno5:07 AM

    I googled Mi Famiglia shirt & the pope was on the first page of my results, so I'll say Pope Francis, final answer.

  8. Ellen DeGeneris.

  9. Songgirl5:33 AM

    Demi Lovato

  10. Groaning5:44 AM

    I hope Elton schools this upstart about who the real queen of the gay mafia is!

  11. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~6:02 AM

    big 6ay brucilla jenner

  12. Riven6:04 AM

    Caitlyn Jenner, obvs!

    (Lol this BI is so dumb - I'd like it to be revealed just so I know what celeb to ignore goings forward)

  13. syvyn119:35 AM

    Maybe not the 'Queen', maybe the Underboss.

  14. Taylor Swift.

    She moved a mountain this week. Apple now paying artists appropriately because of her stand.

    Hope she doesn't become what she hates.

  15. Malibuborebee11:29 AM

    I agree with Lena and Groaning. It's Ellen and Elton's gonna cut a bitch.

  16. syvyn111:22 PM

    Let's just say a good deal of hollywood ladies like to go to the Cheesecake Factory and try out some PIE!

  17. Barbarella3:01 AM

    Certainly not that fat ugly old thing. He spent his whole denying he was gay then denying gays their right to marry then to adopt and did it himself while supporting Rush Limbaugh. He is a sociopath and most of all a has been and god he has been touched with the ugly stick. Many times.

  18. Starr8:13 AM

    Kaitlyn Jenner
