Sunday, July 26, 2015

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list model who still works all the time despite the fact many of her contemporaries have slowed down or quit is really working the yacht scene hard. She works because she blows through all her money thinking another deal or guy will come along. So far this summer she has struck out completely despite really lowering her demands.


  1. Tricia1311:46 PM

    Naomi Campbell

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM

    Heidi Klum

  3. back again11:55 PM


  4. MontanaMarriott12:30 AM

    Uhm she works really hard because unlike her contemporaries she cannot land a rich husband. Lord knows she has tried but after being on the scene since forever she is no longer fresh meat, everyone's had her.

  5. Whywhywhy???12:37 AM

    Naomi. REALLY? Who'd pay money for that nasty temper. What does she do with her money?

  6. And-so-on..12:42 AM

    More everyone is afraid of Naomi's mentally unstable, cruel nature and sudden crazy fits from over-indulgent binges and sudden jealous and angry fight attacks and who knows how far she will go off the deep end until the manic attack frenzy stops..

  7. Fred8412:43 AM

    Oh, Naomi.... I don't get these women. Why would you lower yourself like that if you have so many other options to make money?

  8. back again1:04 AM

    Naomi should've taken notes from Kimora Lee's Handbook for a lifetime of wealth.

  9. Malibuborebee1:46 AM

    Life gets hard for old whores. I don't imagine it's improved her disposition.

  10. blank3:29 AM

    naomi campbell.

    she's older now and not as desirable.

    when the supermodels find out they become less desirable as they age I cant help but chuckle at their shock/anger. expiration date is around 30 years old. there is no shock here

  11. blank3:30 AM

    but, at the same time....she just got cast alongside gaga in american horror story. is it not her? she could still be desperate for $$

  12. Meowie8:14 AM

    Jet-set lifestyles aren't cheap. If she's gone through all her money, one season as a guest on a tv show isn't going to help much.
