Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blind Item #2

He did continue his streak of getting ripped beyond belief at comic conventions, but this B+/A- list mostly television actor from that hit cable show managed to stay away from groping random women. He did however get caught multiple times peeing outside the hotel where he was staying because he didn't want to wait in the bathroom line.


  1. tricia1311:45 PM

    Norman Reedus

  2. sandybrook11:46 PM


  3. So what, whilst it's not the most charming behaviour any bloke who needs to go desperately would do the same. Especially whilst drunk.

  4. Lies again7:45 AM

    With everyone and their dog having a cell phone, NONE of this supposed behavior has been "captured" regarding Norman Reedus. The reason? Every blind about him that Enty posts is a flat out lie. Enty must be jealous because although Norman isn't the best looking guy on the planet, he has millions of women lusting after him, which is something that will never, EVER, happen to Enty. This is getting really redundant and stupid.
