Friday, July 17, 2015

Blind Item #3

The wife of this former A+ list mostly television actor/celebrity would often act as the "wingman" for the actor to make feel women safe when he would invite them back to the family home. She would excuse herself once the three would arrive at the house.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM

    Kelsey Grammar

  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    bill cosby

  3. Snookiemonster1:39 AM

    2nd the Cosby answer

  4. Camille Crosby.

  5. klever1:48 AM

    camille cosby.

    bitch deserves to crumble for life just like her husband.

  6. sandybrook1:54 AM

    I immediately thought Cosby which would be the reason why his wife is acting oblivious.

  7. selenakyle1:57 AM

    Ohhhh, this is gonna be JUICY if Camille "I made Bill" Cosby is found to have been complicit.

  8. Whywhywhy???1:58 AM

    Geesh, that's a bit freaky even for the stand-behind-your-man-type. Either, as long as I approve of who your are cheating on me with or I don't see a thing suspicious going on here...Night honey. Have a nice late late night meeting.

  9. back again2:15 AM

    Wouldn't this extremely important fact been mentioned already in at least ONE of Bill Cosby's Victims' accounts. Surely, the Media would've jumped all over that ...& Camille.

  10. Whywhywhy???2:16 AM

    Geesh That seems a bit participatory even for the stand-by-your-man type! That's either I can live with your cheating as long as I approve of the skank or Have a good time at your late late meeting with this woman. Would anyone like a valium? 'Night, honey.

  11. @back again it was mentioned by one of the "mentees" or rather victim. She I think was the Cosby show mentee. She thought she was going g to a party at Bills house saw only Camille there with Bill and Camille quickly left. No the media didn't jump on it. Camille is his manager.

    It does make me wonder if photos were taken of the unconscious victims and used as blackmail at some point. I would be surprised if no photos were NOT taken.

  12. I mean no photos were taken. It seems that the modus operendi of Hollywood power is naked embarrassing photos. I bet photos were taken and used to quiet up any victims from coming forward earlier. But that is conjecture on my part.

  13. back again3:03 AM

    Hmmm, Thanks for the troubling info @ mystic chic!!! - I'm really surprised none of the Vanity Fair type journalists hadn't picked up on it & ran w/o an investigation of Camille's active participation! Maybe that's the 'more to this story's that Gloria All red was talking about?!
    Wow,if Camille was luring women in like chattel for her Lil' Project's pleasure,she's almost worse than Cosby in a sense.

  14. back again3:05 AM

    In Short, let's hope this is Kelsey Grammar & his wife just doesn't feel like doing him anymore & doesn't need to... ; )

  15. it took forever6:06 AM

    Camille is a sicko, she must have known he was raping those women. She must have at least found that stash of pills and googled their ass or something or taken it to the doc to ask what it was. I Dont believe a word she says, as for Bill he can barely show his face now. and that whoppi who is just begining to realis he is guilty is full of shit, nothing but her paycheck was threatened why she changed her views

  16. it took forever6:08 AM

    This sounds like kelsey tho

  17. texasrose12:48 PM

    Kelsey grammar wouldn't be described as tv actor/celebrity. Cosby would.
