Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly television actor from a hit cable show who is only that high with people who actually watch the show is closeted. The thing is he had way too much to drink the other night and publicly showed a little more than he would have otherwise. People are happy for the guy and there is no reason for him to have to hide it.


  1. Tricia1312:33 AM

    Daniel Sunjata/Graceland?

  2. Derek Harvey12:37 AM

    someone from Silicone Valley---TJ Miller

  3. Tricia1312:42 AM

    Travis Fimmel/Vikings

  4. Tricia1312:43 AM

    @comic con

  5. Please no lol

  6. Tricia131:39 AM

    @Ay-wild guess lol. Just saw he has no GF/SO and that show a hit-but I do think it may be Travis Fimmel@ComicCon for Vikings..(clue like-"whoever watches that show?!)

  7. Kit Harington/GoT. There was blind item about him hooking up with various guys in male restrooms at parties.

  8. Easy Peasy3:10 AM

    Kit Harrington.

  9. Riven4:18 AM

    Lol anyone from Teen Wolf. I don't watch it anymore but I'll assume neither does Enty and this is Tyler Hoechlin.

  10. Nancy4:25 AM

    GoT would be considered hit pay cable show and I don't think an actor from there would be considered A list by whoever watches it, they'd be A list. I don't think this is Harington but someone from a show like Graceland, Teen Wolf or Vikings might be a good guess. I will throw in a guess of Drew Roy from Falling Skies?

  11. Riven4:50 AM

    IMO The "a list to anyone who watches the show" really applies to Dylan O'Brien more than any actor on any other cable show. The show is utter shit and every other actor is laughable, but DOB and TyHo's abs are worth it. Except DOB has a longtime gf in Britt Robertson (no SO mentioned) and all he's done is TW and a handful of movies - "mostly tv" doesn't really work.

    But yeah the kid is a phenomenal actor on that show, just isn't really getting higher profile roles (I think due to the Maze Runner commitments).

  12. Bubbles12:59 AM

    GOT would be a list to whoever watches the show because I don't watch the show and don't know who anyone is from the show because their careers were made from the show. I never got into True Detective and know who Matthew McCoughanahey (sp) as his career was well established elsewhere.

  13. Riven5:09 AM

    Excellent point, I don't watch GOT either but I know many of the actors' names simply from the press related to the show. My brain got stuck on the idea of one really talented actor on a show that not a lot of people watch.

    (Also I don't know if I was clear, I don't actually think DOB is gay - just that 99% of the industry talk about the show revolves around DOB's acting talent on such a shitty show).
