Monday, July 06, 2015

Blind Item #4

This foreign born B- list model who seems to make her living by hooking up with men all over the world for money while showing it all on Instagram and Twitter with a name that sounds like a pornstar was in Greece this past week. Oblivious to everything that is going on there, the model went ballistic on some hotel staff because they were not moving at a speed to her liking when she asked for a fresh towel and drink.


  1. back again12:32 AM

    irina shayk/

  2. Tricia1312:32 AM

    Shaina Shaik or Victoria Sledvelt maybe

  3. back again12:34 AM

    just kidding..doesn't matter cuz my other comment didnt show--done here today--it's pissing me off--sites so messed up for me today

  4. Meowie1:17 AM

    Suki Waterhouse

  5. The 10th Doctor2:30 AM

    I think it's Victoria Slivsedt ( I spelled it wrong, sorry) too.

  6. @back again, if your comment doesn't show, just refresh the page and it will be there. No danger of posting twice, since I once got a wordpress message that I was trying to post a duplicate.

  7. Malibuborebee9:21 AM

    This is where me being totally uninterested in Twitter and Instagram bites me in the ass. I have no clue which of these international tramps is putting her wares out there all the time.

    Name that sounds like a porn star? Shaina Shaik.
