Thursday, July 16, 2015

Blind Item #6

This A+ list singer is so out of control that in the past year she has apparently become pregnant three separate times. With the number of hookups and the amount of partying she has done she has no clue who half the guys are or who she has been with. It is also why her A++ list mentor is becoming a former mentor as time goes by.


  1. Tricia131:00 AM


  2. Tricia131:01 AM

    and JayZ

  3. aemish1:21 AM

    Isn't this gross hag from the blind that wanted to experiment "just for a day" what it would be like to be a genuine street walking prostitute -- and he arranged security to stand back and make sure she was "safe" while doing it?

    Sick people.

  4. And-so-on..1:23 AM

    Mmmm? Yep, Baby got to go.. , rich man stays..

  5. Rhianna & Jay-Z

  6. AndrewBW1:27 AM

    What, she can't afford contraceptives?

  7. aemish1:29 AM

    There was another blind about her bringing back some random dude from a club but when she said, "let's just 'roll the dice" re: condoms, he bolted. Smart guy.

  8. Simon1:42 AM

    Still waiting for those lots and lots of reveals as promised yesterday!

  9. Errol1:47 AM

    Rihanna should be able to party just like the boys. How many women do you think Jay-Z has slept with over the course of his career? INCLUDING Rihanna. The boys get to be rockstars and the girls have to be wives and mothers.

    F 'em all RiRi. Slang that cooch from here to Timbuktu.

  10. Kno Won Uno2:08 AM

    I don't care who she screws, but contraception isn't difficult to access in 2015.

  11. @Errol - amen. if a guy did this he is a wild player. if a girl does this she is out of control.

  12. sandybrook2:25 AM

    She aint getting near me so who she infects aint my bidness.

  13. Plus, she doesn't discriminate. Men & women can get it. She's just sowing her oats before she settles down, dudes do it all the time. She just needs to use protection!

  14. Sbreezy292:50 AM

    How sickening that the women that will screw every guy they meet can get pregnant, and they could care less, while couples that desperately want to raise and love a child can't! Hope she gets some crappy karma whoever she is!

  15. Hulagurl3:23 AM

    It is really sickening to compare people's abilities to concieve. Just because some people are infertile there is no reason to wish others ill.

  16. Riven3:27 AM

    Plus a million to Hulagurl.

    I cannot conceive children and I don't find this sickening or upsetting in any way. Why should I give a shit that others can get pregnant and I can't? Good for her for not dumping another unloved and unwanted child on the world. But use protection dude, for everyone's safety.

  17. Gross! Bitch better have an STD test..

  18. Groaning5:11 AM

    Oh Rihanna, honey there are such wonderful marvels in the world known as contraceptives. If you don't like condoms get an IUD.

  19. ~~~♥♥Baby Doll♥♥~~~9:58 AM

    rita ora or gaga

  20. Says 'former" A+ List, Rihanna isn't former she's still A+. I guess is someone else,

  21. Laura5:08 AM

    Selena Gomez and Jennifer aniston as the mentor.
