Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blind Item #6

I can't remember ever hearing about this female permanent A+ singer ever being with another woman, but she is now. Apparently it is not a new thing either. This has been a relationship that has progressed over the past two years with a woman who even lives with the singer.


  1. Tricia 131:02 AM

    Diana Ross

  2. MontanaMarriott1:05 AM

    I recall hearing that Diana has been with women before. She was in a 3sum with Gene Simmons and Cher.

  3. Tricia 131:12 AM

    Hey@MM--yeah-I have no clue lol.I figured with all that Studio 54 action there was some sapphic goin's ons'

  4. AndrewBW1:13 AM

    I would have hoped Cher would have better taste than that!

  5. MontanaMarriott1:14 AM

    Damn this is too vague, it can be anyone. MiMi was rumored to be with DaBrat, Celine always had lesbian rumors, We know about Madonna. Cher was with DR. Babs is a size queen although I hear they are secretly separated and living apart. Permanent A+ is a small group so this should be easier.

  6. MontanaMarriott1:15 AM

    I believe the Cocaine helped and I am sure they only did it to please Gene Simmons.

  7. MontanaMarriott1:15 AM

    LMAO yeah to quote the late great Rick James, "COCAINE IS A HELLUVA DRUG" lol

  8. Shania Twain

  9. Tricia 131:24 AM

    Babs a size queen-Mercy! I hadn't the foggiest lmao...she sorta works though(if seperated from Brolin)---maybe they are super sizing the toys?

  10. barrack3:32 AM

    I feel diana ross for this. also, is her daughter who plays the mom on blackish Tracee Ellis Ross gay? I get a vibe.

  11. back again3:52 AM

    Diana isn't averse to women.
    Remember the very very close relationship Barbra has always had with Donna Karan.She stayed with her for over a year.

  12. I've wondered the same thing barrak. She pings for me too.
