Saturday, July 04, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #17

February 16, 2015

The first order from this probable Presidential candidate who loves to eat to one of his new celebrity staffer/backer was to discreetly bring over to the house some of his stripper friends. Just make sure none of them had any coke or anything illegal.

Chris Christie


  1. AndrewBW6:32 AM

    Toss up between him and Donald Trump who's the bigger asshole.

  2. it took forever7:26 AM

    lol , just imagine the sex tapes lol

  3. Studio549:36 AM

    Awesome Enty! This is hilarious! These Republican hypocrites are pathetic. Do as I say, and not as I do, etc.

    BTW, you had blinds with Trump on the verge of divorce earlier this year, with a woman he has been having an affair with. Do you think the woman will spill the beans on him? I hope so!

  4. Groaning11:20 AM

    Oh lease let there be a Chris Christie sex tape coming out soon, please!

  5. In the book Double Down, they talked about a laundry list of reasons why dude couldn't be VP for Romney, back then before his state fell to like 49th of every state in employment, job growth, credit downgrades, etc and before his Nixon impression in Ft Lee. And they said in the book they were worried about a female who always accompanied him. If this doesn't scream that power and money is all you need to get any. This dude has as much chance of being pres or VP as I do.

  6. back again12:53 PM

    omg,somehow i was mixing up chris christie with todd chrisley- i'm thinking "Romney wanted todd chrisley as his running mate--wow, i never knew THAT-that's a wierd combo"
