Thursday, July 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 6, 2015

What do you do when you don’t get a lot of work. Well, not enough work to cover your extremely high expenses? What do you do when an organization you belong to demands that you keep contributing at a higher rate every year? What do you do if you are this B- list mostly television actor who has blown all that network money you got from a huge network hit that had a nice long life? What do you do when the only steady work is in a franchise, but not the high paying variety. What do you do? You and your crooked business manager who was provided by the organization you contribute money to decided to steal $125K from your ex. She only gets a statement once a year so she will never know. Well, she knows now. Hopefully she acted quickly enough to stop you from taking out another $125K this year because you like to pretend you are a big shot in the organization.

Jason Lee


  1. Derek Harvey1:21 AM


  2. Derek Hargay1:30 AM

    yay for Derek. He nailed something! His asshole has been nailed so many times it's time for him to nail something.

  3. Derek Harvey1:34 AM

    It wasn't funny the first time you said it H20/Boni---but keep showing your homophobia

  4. It wasn't me this time but I DID think it was funny. LOL!

  5. He doesn't get any sympathy from me.

  6. Derek Harvey1:48 AM

    cause you are a redneck trash

  7. Derek Harvey1:49 AM

    you are irrelevant

  8. Derek Harvey1:50 AM

    sorry, David that was meant for Boni

  9. Derek Hargay2:02 AM

    Derek's playing the homophobia card! Very Nicki and her racism card. Lol! Naaah Im not homophobic, just using it to my amusement. And apparently others too!

  10. blank2:10 AM

    It's always interesting how people hate what they are

    Right, Boni?

  11. blank2:11 AM

    I can play musical aliases too.

    Also, heterosexual female here.

    You'll have to reexamine your deck if you want to call me a f*****.

  12. I don't think he's homophobic Derek, he's not scared of fags, he just likes making of them.

  13. Ocean2:12 AM

    She read an Anti Scientology book & admitted it, got labeled a "supressive person", Jason divorced her & all their friends cut her off.

  14. Derek Harvey2:14 AM

    oh hi Sugarbread---hows your blog of shit going?

  15. James2:59 AM

    I guess cdan has acquired a new horrible class-less sob. Have fun fighting with derek, the first horrible and class-less sob!

  16. Crank up the volume3:02 AM

    It's actually pretty funny derek. Lol! Maybe you had it coming. Maybe you dont. But it's funny. Lol!

  17. Pete and Pete3:03 AM

    Derek the faggot got what he deserved.

  18. Whywhywhy???3:10 AM

    Whatever happened to someone named ___ blonde who used to nail all the answers. She seems to have left after the change in format.

  19. He's married again and his ex has been labeled a SP. Isn't that hypocritical to even TOUCH the bank account of a SP. Isn't that like having contact with them? I'm just sayin....

  20. Kno Won Uno3:46 AM

    What the actual fuck?! I've been busy, haven't been by - I see I missed the transition to a 1990s AOL chat room. All recycled-to-death sophomoric barbs/all the time. In 20 years, you couldn't come up with anything new? Fags.
    Wait...didn't you fuck my mom last night? Or was it my sister - or both? Crawl back into your mummy's basement vag and don't come out until you have an original thought!
    Anything, anything at all that hasn't been typed by a fellow neckbeard with cheeto dust under his fingernails 650 million times. What's worse than a neckbeard loser? A COPYCAT neckbeard loser!! Have a great day, shitballs.
    And fuck you, Enty for encouraging this shit, you fat fuck.

  21. Miss Patience Fullerton5:02 AM

    What's all this? Everyone into the drawing room... and let's behave until tea time.

  22. Plastic Pony5:15 AM

    WHYWHYWHY: You are talking about VIP Blonde. She migrated over to the new and improved site. Lots of traffic over there.

  23. bean álainn rua5:52 AM

    Plastic Pony please spill where the new and improved site is...I can't take much more of this one! Many thanks!

  24. back again6:11 AM

    Hi bean alainn rua, @Why may be referring to it's friendly but the only problem was the Blinds were a day or so old(used to be anyway..I haven't been on there in ages like 8months ) peeps are kool ther & some are here as well! : )

  25. Wendy6:45 AM

    She's over at anarchy

  26. bean álainn rua8:09 AM

    Thanks, back again! When the big change happened here I had gone over to occasionally but I had forgotten about it and couldn't remember the name. I miss some of the former folks from cdan ( heck, I never even left comments back then, some of them were so good ) but when it gets too nasty here I'd like to have other options. Used to be on cdan if it got too nasty or troll-y, there were enough people commenting to work around it. Not so much anymore. I agree, some peeps here are cool and I would put you at the top of the list!

  27. back again9:01 AM

    ; ) - hahaaha,i meant though that the people are kool there and that some of them visit or are regulars on this site as well...not that just some of them are kool here

  28. Me here at 8:30AM? I have better things to do, like sleep.

    I always use my own name and love getting the occasional "fuck off H20."

  29. Dolores-Unfaithful5:06 AM

    Sounds about right for that organization.

    Side note: there was a reason why I stopped coming to this site, and now I am reminded why. If I wanted to read page after page of slap-fighting, I'd just go read the comments section of the news.
