Monday, July 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2- Mr. X

June 23, 2015

What mostly movie actress, currently starring on a hit TV show that got a second season right as the first one was starting, was partying hard in Cannes a few weeks ago and drank until she passed out? Don’t believe anything her PR people say about it though..

Taraji P Henson


  1. Who Nailed It2:29 AM

    Tricia nailed this one first. Derek came in only second. Thank you once again for the fun facts the others noted.

  2. Ex-Football Fan2:31 AM

    I wouldn't call her a "mostly movie actress". Not with her TV credits.

  3. Derek Harvey2:33 AM

    I am a fan of Taraji P Henson not Tarali B Hanson

  4. Who Nailed It2:44 AM

    Now that I read it again, Technically no one nailed this. Tricia said Tarijy B Hensen and Derek said Taraja P Henson. Fan? Okay! But neglecting the typos and obvious disregard for the correct spelling, Tricia got it first.

  5. Tricia132:47 AM

    @Who nailed it...I appreciate that-but I gotta refuse that "win"..I was off by a "letter" and a middle initial"...its almost like an entirely different person-just doesnt feel right:(
    June 23, 2015 at 7:30 am
    Tarijy B Hensen

  6. We are awarding you the "nailed it" trophy for this one, like it or not.

  7. tricia137:50 AM

    lol thx@H20...if you insist:)
