Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3- Back In The Day

April 9, 2015

She might not look like it now, but this former A list singer in a group turned A list solo singer turned actress turned just permanent A lister with celebrity offspring and a meh daughter-in- law had sex more than once in front of 30-40 people. The coke probably helped a lot.

Diana Ross


  1. Kno Won Uno2:04 AM

    I wonder how many people "had sex" publicly in Studio54. I'd guess A LOT.

  2. I'm from Detroit and my mom went to school with her and a lot of the Motown singers. It was a known fact that Diana was a ho.

  3. Jonathan Andrew Sheen2:36 AM

    The days before camera phones...

  4. Diana screwed her way to the top, she's got a kid with the head of motown. It's why she became the lead of the group, while the other Supremes ended up on welfare.

  5. back again3:16 AM

    I don't care ...I love her & all the music.
    "I'm Coming Out" was like an Anthem at my school when it came out(no pun)I remember it like yesterday-people blaring it on their speakers before going out.

  6. back again3:19 AM

    Wow @ Dani- your mom was there THEN?!?--how koool is that! She must have some good tea!

  7. mariaj3:28 AM

    Wow, a bit schocked to read this, she seems-seemed such a classy act..not that one thing excludes necessarly the other, yet..

  8. Zilla13:49 AM

    Call her MISS Ho!

  9. Tippietoes6:26 AM

    No shocker here just look at that one scene from the movie "Mahogany"

  10. peopleselbow7:13 AM

    Appropriate that she had a relationship with Gene Simmons

  11. I love the music too. One has to learn to separate the artist from the art. She wasn't hurting anyone but herself. Artists that hurt others don't get a pass, maybe Wagner (the composer not the actor) because he's dead and the music is wonderful.

  12. Dudette9:35 AM

    She didn't have the most talent or vocal range of the group, either, Mary Wilson did. Diana was just ambitious.

  13. Bubbles1:01 PM

    She became the lead of the group because she had a unique voice that was commercial. She didn't have a kid with Berry Gordy until she went solo in the 70's. She didn't have kids when she was with the Supremes and the only one on welfare was Florence Ballard. And La Ross didn't put her on welfare nor caused her financial ruin.
