Monday, July 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Mr. X

June 23, 2015

What actress and multiple Oscar winner/nominee was pulled over by a cop a few days ago because she was parking in a handicapped spot with an obviously fake placard hanging on her dashboard. The cop was starstruck and let her slide by. This isn’t the first time she has pulled this stunt and it probably won’t be the last.

Jane Fonda


  1. Gookie3:48 AM

    Nailed it.
    I didn't, but just wanted to say it.

  2. Who Nailed It3:49 AM

    Tricia nailed this.

  3. I agree with Steve Wynn. Handicapped spaces DO NOT have to be Upfront talking all the spaces close to the entrance. They just need to be supplied and can be all in one area. If developers STOPPED putting them ALL upfront, then healthy people would STOP doing this this type of action.

  4. TheCousinEddy4:46 AM

    Not encouraging illegal behavior, but Jane Fonda is of a certain age; she should simply make an appointment with her doctor and inquire about what is necessary to apply for a legitimate tag. Surely her doctor could come up with something in her medical history to warrant a need. Hell if she is so hell bent on having one in the first place, might as well make it legal. Don't celebrities doctor shop all the time for scripts? This wouldn't be much different.

  5. kpist5:04 AM

    Entitled celeb

  6. This is probably the most selfish thing I've seen on the net in a while. You do realize that a LOT of disabled people can't walk far distances right? That's the whole reason the disabled parking is right up front. So it's easier on them.

  7. So, entitled celebs with fake handicap placards to take the parking spaces is NOT selfish?
    At least Steve Wynn's way enables the handicap to even have a parking space -- be it further away from the entrance.

  8. Margie5:26 AM

    At her age she could get one of those cards fairly easily, I believe she's even had some hip surgery. I recieved one after surgeries on my hips & knees due to car accident. You wouldn't believe some nasty looks I get because I'm in my 30's. Feel like I should use a walker & wear shorts to show off all my scars.

  9. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:33 AM

    Well, she is a far left asshole, she is at least mentally handicapped, although not officially.

  10. Ninjanooo5:38 AM

    She's an old lady with a fake hip, the type of person you should give your seat to on a bus.

  11. texasrose6:36 AM

    That is probably exactly what is going on here. She is 75 and probably did go to her doctor. We don't know what her medical issues are and that is why it is almost impossible to police the use of these tags. A 35 may be eligible if they have a heart/lung/or any number of other medical issues. I'm not a big fan of hers but we have no idea if she has an 'obviously fake placard'.

  12. I love your user name. Please post often.

    Thanks for your comment Gookie. :)

  13. back again10:23 AM

    Hey Guys, You may not like Jane OR Her Politics BUT She is not ONLY 75 Years old but she's gone through TWO KNEE REPLACEMENTS AND HIP REPLACEMENTS THAT GOT ROYALLY F¿*¢KED UP ....seeing that this is a gossip site I'm surprised no one brought this well-known fact up. In short, she's got every right to wield around a handicapped parking pass.She's talked about the painkillers she tree makes for public appearances so I don't get the comments here or Enty's feigned "SHOCK"- --rather pandering & below him when he well knows the facts!

  14. Zackster12:18 PM

    The placard most likely belongs to the guy she lives with, Richard Perry, who has Parkinson's Disease. But she might be entitled to it herself given her medical history.

  15. Did I say using a fake one was not selfish because I don't think I did. Some of those people have a very hard time walking which is why those spots are up front. Sometimes horrible people decide to park there illegally. Those people are what I call jackasses & that's the nice phrase. I usually call them much worse names. Those people deservedly get their cars towed and a nice fine for doing it. That's why you call the police if you see someone in that spot who shouldn't be.

    Please stop whining because you can't park a few spaces away to make someone's life just the smallest bit easier. Trust me when I say they'd much rather not have a disability and have to park a few feet away than deal with their disability. Just let them have this one and go on about your business.

    Why do I have to spell things out for people?

  16. Emeraldcity5:07 PM

    She only has a right to take a diabled spot if she has an 'official' diabled card on her car, otherwise she is breaking the law and deserves a hefty fine and for her car to be towed. If she needs one then apply for one and stop being a pain in the A. Assuming of course that the card she uses is fake and Enty isn't just making this one up.

  17. The woman is 77 with well known mobility issues, nuff said. As for tryna make some comment about her politics @8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob its gotta be a matter of takes one to know one in terms of being mentally handicapped (we try not to use the term over here as its pretty offensive, handicapped referring to being 'cap in hand' = begging) Let me guess your/right-wing DSMing.... just for fun you understand... some mild psychopathy and average male levels of aspergers like shiz. Or maybe just delusions of grandeur. p.s. she ain't far Left, just left of centre

  18. Malibuborebee8:46 AM

    How about you officially fuck off with the sub-adult political bullshit you are constantly injecting into this gossip site, you far right, mentally handicapped asshole.
