Friday, July 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 20, 2015

Either they quietly split or there is some cheating going on. It would not be the first time for either scenario. This openly gay anchor was spotted in a restaurant canoodling with a guy who is most definitely not his steady boyfriend. Previously it had been the boyfriend who did most of the cheating.

Anderson Cooper


  1. Well, at least you nailed something! I'm sure it's never a woman. AH.

  2. Derek Harvey3:45 AM

    whats with all the trolls here today....

  3. Malibuborebee11:22 AM

    They're just the usual asshole regulars under different names, Derek. You know that and you know exactly who it is, too.

  4. Malibuborebee11:25 AM

    I was hoping it was Shep Smith but he'd lose his job if he came out.

  5. No troll here. I'm here everyday and have posted for a few months now, just not frequently. Trying my damnedest not to piss anyone off. Just here for the gossip.

  6. Peter Rabbit1:48 PM

    Why does this site keep redirecting me to the "gogo garden club"????

  7. Love that Derek is calling others trolls; or was that tongue in cheek sweetie?
