Saturday, July 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 10, 2015

When this A list mostly television actor turned probably a B+ list mostly movie actor since his show recently ended went to rehab he ended up not just hooking up with someone, but apparently developing something more serious. She was in rehab longer than our actor and since she got out, they have been seeing each other as often as possible. His girlfriend is not happy. She thought she was going to get her boyfriend back and how he used to be.

Jon Hamm


  1. June Gordon3:49 AM

    If I was dating Jon Hamm, I can tell y'all right now what my adDICKtion would be to: His big YKW!!!!! YUM!!!!!!!

    An I whould not want to go to no rehab for that. No! No! No!

  2. Joliegoalie3:53 AM

    June!! I missed you!

  3. And-so-on..4:02 AM

    She can not afford to keep him satisfied in the finer-star power lifestyle he requires now.. Thanks for lunch, gotta run..

  4. I was just coming by to post the same thing--June rules!

  5. hothotheat4:48 AM

    I thought they broke up because of her wanting children (according to a recent reveal).

  6. Whywhywhy???9:20 AM

    June I do enjoy your witty repartee and it pains me to tell you there is an empty seat next to Miss Wesfeldt to console her while she withdraws. .On the other hand I only need the hammoconda M, W and Friday.

  7. Peter Rabbit1:17 PM

    He's a narcissist just like his character. I don't know why Jennifer stuck around as long as she did when he made it clear he didn't want kids and would never marry her. He just used her.

  8. Gadzooks10:34 AM

    One of the things they tell you when recovering from addiction is to not form a new romantic relationship the first year. Always leads to getting hooked again and the relationship ending badly.
