Thursday, July 30, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Crack Den

This A list dual threat actor didn't even bother looking for his cracked out daughter. She is a celebrity because most offspring of A listers tend to be celebrities. She is nothing special but most of you know her name at least. It was her mom who hired private detectives to track down her daughter. Basically the mom saved her daughter's life by her actions but the daughter knows where the money is and blames the mom while the dad is beloved. The same dad that left her in the crack den. The crack den where the private detectives found her. The crack den where she had been for about five days and the same crack den where she was sleeping with random men for more crack. Lots of random men from what the report of the detectives says. Our offspring was a mess and almost dead, but she never gives thanks to mom.


  1. Tricia133:12 AM

    Talleluah Willis
    Bruce is now dual threat doing Broadway(Misery)

  2. Tricia133:13 AM

    or Scout Willis-but Talleluah has bigger problems I think.

  3. Derek Harvey3:13 AM

    Alec Baldwin

  4. sandybrook3:16 AM

    which Baldwin girl is Alec's and Kim's?

  5. sandybrook3:18 AM

    I'm siding with Derek on this. Ireland Baldwin.

  6. MontanaMarriott3:20 AM

    Enty needs to explain his definition of dual threat, Enty, acting on Film and Broadway is not a dual threat, they talent being used is ACTING. Singing & acting are dual threats, singing & dancing, etc. Or maybe I am wrong?! .

  7. sandybrook3:24 AM

    Broadway can be singing, dancing and acting Montana, depending on the genre. Im going with stage, screen and tv for the threats hes talking about.

  8. Whywhywhy???3:26 AM

    The dual threat is making me think Laurence Fishburne Broadway & movies/TV. Unless Enty counts tv and movies as a dual threat. Kinda stumped when I think of actor singers with daughters. His daughter;'s name is easy to remember ..Montana

  9. Whywhywhy???3:27 AM

    Thanks Enty that Laurence Fishburne guess evaporated. So which Bruce-Demi kid went to rehab.

  10. Tricia133:28 AM

    I agree@MM-very nebulous the way he uses the term. He used to use it like TV/Film , but has begun to use it Film/Theatre I have noticed (Cumberbatch/Vanessa Hudgens); Still awaiting him to use it as it peratins to singer/dancer/actor(triple threat).Alec has theatre in his past, I thought he used it now (to apply to Willis) because he is taking on Broadway (first time-I think?).But yo no se mama...

  11. MontanaMarriott3:28 AM

    Awww ok I see your point, got it, thanks Sandybrook.

  12. Tricia133:29 AM


  13. MontanaMarriott3:30 AM

    LOL Thanks, there are times I wonder if like myself, English is not Enty's first language lol @Tricia

  14. Khaleesi3:31 AM

    @Montana you are right that dual threat means acting and singing/dancing. Triple is all. But Broadway not only involves acting, it also involves singing. Maybe not all the time, but it does. There ya go. =)

  15. Khaleesi3:33 AM

    Oops sorry, I thought no one has explained to you yet. Lol! I blame the lag on Enty's uber faulty site. Comments dont appear immediately.

  16. Gossip Expert3:36 AM

    I don't think Alec Baldwin is beloved.

  17. Derek Harvey3:38 AM

    Alec is very beloved ---for his talent and great roles.

  18. It's basically proof that Enty has nothing to do with Hollywood. He's not an entertainment lawyer, if he was in Hollywood for any length of time he'd know what dual & triple threat meant. Acting, Singing, Dancing are the main threats that have been talked about since Hollywood began. Enty has about as much to do with Hollywood as my agoraphobic aunt in Maine.

  19. I thought the blind meant beloved in the daughter's eyes....

  20. Zappaz4:34 AM

    The dad is a POS

  21. Zappaz4:34 AM

    Whoever he is

  22. LOL! I think you are right on THAT one!!!

  23. TopperMadison4:38 AM

    I will never accept anything except acting, singing, and dancing when discussing double/triple threats. Whoever is trying to make this stupid stage/screen thing happen needs to give up and get on the big bus with the rest of us.

  24. DoctorMaybe4:54 AM

    Step 1) Read Enty's clue.
    Step 2) Guess an answer that does not fit Enty's clue.
    Step 3) Complain that Enty's clues are badly written or misuse terms... because they don't accurately describe person guessed in step 2.


  25. hothotheat5:57 AM

    For the young folk that dont remember, Bruce Willis had a hit song - Respect Yourself from his album The Return of Bruno- in 1987. Look it upon youtube.

    Also agree Baldwin is not beloved.

  26. I thought acting, writing and directing is a triple threat.

  27. MOcha20096:36 AM

    @DoctorMaybe - I wish there was a like button:)

  28. It's almost always been acting, dancing, & singing. I could maybe see acting, writing, & directing being a new age triple threat, but that's not how it's used in Hollywood. Enty's always claimed to be an entertainment lawyer, with all these old Hollywood stories, if he was as inside show business as he claims he would be using double or triple threat for acting, dancing, & singing.

    This blind might be about someone that's a writer, director, & actor, or a combination of those three, but Enty's been doing this double/triple threat alot lately & he's even revealed a couple of them as actors that didn't write or direct. They didn't sing or dance either, so he was using the term because they acted in plays & acted in movies, or TV.

  29. Now that I think about it, there were 2 blinds I think that used double threat as acting in stage & movies, but 1 blind I think was revealed as Vanessa Hudgens who sings & dances. Which makes it even more annoying when he uses the term wrong, because he's used it right in the past!

  30. You're right! Number 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

  31. This might apply to other blinds, but I don't see it in this 1. Most of the people commenting on the double/triple threat thing didn't even make a guess on the blind.

  32. Derek Harvey7:03 AM

    It said the person in question is beloved by his daughter---not the public.

  33. Wendy7:54 AM

    This sounds like Ireland, wasn't she in the hospital not long ago? That could have been when her mom tracked her she is seen at red carpets with Alec all the time....Derek got this.

    The Willis girls are seen with Demi a lot, it doesn't seem like they hate her.

  34. Infrared2:53 PM

    What about Clint Eastwoods daughter. He is an actor and a director. Plus didn't his daughter marry Jona Hills brother in some drugged out frenzy then turned around, and got it annulled?
