Friday, August 28, 2015

Blind Item #10

This slipping to A list singer had to be told to wipe the coke residue from her nose when she came out of a bathroom during a break in a performance. The singer whispered a very sincere thanks to her fellow restroom goer.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM

    Lady gaga

  2. Derek Harvey4:31 AM


  3. sandybrook4:33 AM

    Katy Perry

  4. Derek Harvey4:36 AM

    Rihanna performed last week with Kanye and Jay Z

    the other 2 are basically on vacation

  5. back again4:39 AM

    +1 on a roll- she's been lookin' 'tired' of everything in last few pics

  6. Tricia134:41 AM

    Katy was at Broadway production of "Finding Neverland" the other night- so break in performance/intermission totally works for her sandy..

  7. Tricia134:44 AM

    Doesn't say person performed- she was"at a performance"

  8. back again4:52 AM


  9. Derek Harvey4:54 AM

    actually it says during a break IN A performance---aka she is IN THE performance

  10. Derek Harvey4:55 AM

    is English your second language?

  11. Tricia134:57 AM

    Her" fellow restroom goer/ communal bathroom".. Don't know too many performers who go share the public loo's on break from them being onstage..? Lol.

  12. Derek Harvey5:00 AM

    It would be OF A performance
    Katy was not IN THE performance

    I really feel sorry for you sometimes

  13. Derek Harvey5:02 AM


    not IN A

  14. Derek Harvey5:04 AM

    backstage at a music festival--why are you laughing? The only person who is amused by your stupidity, is YOU.

  15. sandybrook5:04 AM

    ok ok

  16. sandybrook5:07 AM

    to be quite frank, RiRi and Katy aren't slipping to A list Enty and Gaga isnt A+ to slip to A when you had her B+ 2 weeks ago.
    In that regard Mimi did perform recently and she can fit the description given.

  17. Derek Harvey5:11 AM

    absolutely could be Mimi but in a couple of years she should be permanent A

    but I do think RiRi is slipping---she is not charting like she use to

  18. Tricia135:16 AM

    So to break it down more- simply- I'll restate what I already wrote:Katy Perry was in attendance of a Bway show titled"Finding Neverland"-wherein come -Intermission(otherwise know as a "break"'in a performance), she suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom and do some coke(and perhaps, pee).A fellow bathroom goer tried to help her out and let her know she had residue on her nose..
    Wasn't aware that was at all- confusing- the first time:)
    Perhaps the whole Broadway show/intermission thing is beyond the grasp of a 2nd language, say...

    But you got it sandy.

  19. Tricia135:17 AM

    a pause or break
    "he was granted an intermission in his studies"
    interval, interlude, halftime, entr'acte, break, ... more

  20. Derek Harvey5:22 AM

    Where is the term intermission used in the blind? You are so pathetic and always do a great job of embarrassing yourself. Cheers.

  21. sandybrook5:25 AM

    It's supposed to be Friday fun day

  22. Tricia135:25 AM

    It is:)

  23. back again5:33 AM

    It's 5:00 somewhere so Cheers Mates !!!!

  24. Not to add fuel to this ridiculous feud but Rihanna did NOT perform with Kanye and Jay Z. She sang the bridge to FourFive Seconds from her seat in the audience of KANYE'S show. If you're gonna battle, get your facts right before calling people names. It's childish and annoying.

  25. Derek Harvey5:41 AM

    The only that should be taking a seat is YOU

    Kanye West brings Rihanna on stage for impromptu performance at ...
    Consequence of Sound (blog)-Aug 23, 2015
    Kanye West Brings Rihanna Onstage For Surprise Performance At ...
    Huffington Post-Aug 23, 2015
    Rihanna Joined Kanye Last Night For A Surprise Performance
    Refinery29-Aug 23, 2015
    Kanye West brings Rihanna onstage as a surprise guest at FYF Fest
    Highly Cited-Entertainment Weekly-Aug 23, 2015
    Rihanna joins Kanye West for special set
    Opinion-Irish Examiner-Aug 24, 2015

  26. Barbara5:56 AM

    Who hasn't?

  27. it took forever6:26 AM

    did DEREK HARVEY'S mom lock him in the basement again , take your meds dude, so sure if Tricia had a dick you would be all over it , the way you always go after her.

  28. Derek part deux6:50 AM


  29. Watch the video you lunatic! SHE NEVER LEAVES HER SEAT! SHE IS NOT ON STAGE. The headlines are misleading. And I didn't tell anyone to take a seat so I don't know what the hell you are talking about. PS....where was Jay Z???? You have serious issues if all you have time to do is attack people on the internet over silly celebrity gossip. I feel sorry for you.

  30. Derek Harvey7:15 AM

    You have issues if you call people out when you are wrong and make a fool of yourself. You are so dumb
    and my "take a seat" comment is clearly over your brain-dead head.

    ".Kanye West just pulled a Taylor Swift.

    During his performance at FYF Fest on Saturday in Los Angeles, the rapper (who filled in for Frank Ocean) surprised the audience when he brought Rihanna onstage with him. The resident bad gal also seemed surprised, as she was just taking in the show from the crowd.

    But like the pro she is, RiRi took the mic when West handed it to her during his performance of "FourFiveSeconds," which she's featured on. She then turned to the crowd and said, "LA, make some noise for my n***a Kanye!"

    The rapper, who's married to reality queen Kim Kardashian, also got the Barbadian performer up onstage to sing her part of "All of the Lights." Naturally, the audience went nuts. "

    You can check out some video highlights below:

  31. Derek Harvey7:27 AM

    There are also about 50 other reports stating the same thing. But I wont embarrass "St. Cam" any further.

  32. it says "in" a performance and nothing about a matinee. You can be really obnoxious and rude sometimes, Tricia. Talking down to people and giving definitions of basic terms, when you are in the wrong the whole time.

  33. You tell em buddy : )

  34. Derek Harvey7:46 AM

    lolll Thanks Pam

    Nothing ticks me off more than being corrected by a person who does not know anything. and being a hypocrite. Name calling etc.

  35. Will you two just f*ck and get it over with?!

  36. @"Pam" Harvey9:15 AM

    August 28, 2015 at 2:37 pm
    it says "in" a performance and nothing about a matinee. You can be really obnoxious and rude sometimes, Tricia. Talking down to people and giving definitions of basic terms, when you are in the wrong the whole time.

    Wow- gee wiz "Pam".You are soooo right.Its MUCH nicer to call numerous posters "stupid, dumb hypocrites" and even worse from what I've seen over time , because you don't like people disagreeing with you, than providing a definition which actually applied to the blind.
    You must be a real mistress of etiquette "buddy".


    Bullies on the internet are so cool!

  38. A Pretty Cat in LA9:56 AM

    Ugh.. I wonder why I like animals more than people??

  39. Derek Harvey10:15 AM

    F off, Tricia. Pam and I are 2 very different people. and your stupid definition of what a matinee is irrelevant just like your role as a mother or role of productive citizen in society.

  40. Derek Harvey10:19 AM

    Don't call me a bully because you are in the wrong and started with me first, dumbass. If you are going to dish it out --you better learn to take it.

    You do realize there is more than ONE video of Kanyes performance on the net. I suppose you know more than Rollingstone, USA today, Huffington Post etc etc. I suppose not because you are clearly mentally challenged.

  41. back again11:08 AM

    plus you ARE one ... ; )

  42. Derek's Asshole11:17 AM

    NAILED IT!! Mom is making me an extra potpie since I did battle on the internetz !! Hope she'll let me borrow her heels too! NAILING!!!

  43. back again11:40 AM

    @ pretty cat, that didn't come out right... I meant because you are an animal(pretty cat) so makes sense...i totally screwed it up.....derp...lame

  44. IamDerek12:33 PM

    Blah blah blah I'm so right Tricia is bad blah blah blah aggressive angry snarkypuss blah

  45. Derek Harvey1:34 PM

    have a good night, Bacon Ranch. pffffft.

  46. Derek Harvey1:54 PM

    btw Sandy----I figured out who is trolling us and I have legit e-mail proof---it is that pathetic and trashy Bacon Ranch---she goes by like 100 different names--(Tricia-this has nothing to do with you---I think you are a c*nt and I have said it a 10000 times) so thats that---I will go on Anarchy tomorrow and prove everything.

  47. lakers4:08 PM

    tricia maybe im not a site veteran enough but screw who is always giving you shit in the comments your guesses are always on point! and that person needs therapy cause they are putting way too much effort into it

  48. Boredtechindenver7:47 PM

    Derek at home:

  49. Tricia1311:37 PM

    Thank you@Lakers- so very kind of you to say:)
    And yes- very true(and so very sad....)
    After so long it's just like one of those pesty gnats that keep buzzing around and around- takes too much effort, as you say -and actual interest to swat - so you hope they just exhaust themselves (before they everyone else, of course lol)

  50. Katy Perry?

  51. Cheryl11:58 AM

    Derek, you are and always will be a cretin. So puerile that you are only of interest in the sense of watching someone publicly lay bare their incredible coarseness and deep stupidity day after day after day. Meh

  52. Derek's Asshole4:36 PM

    Hahaha! Loved it! I like to pet the kitty - it's the closest I've ever been to pussy! Meow!

  53. SarahLA10:44 PM

    Like the Katy Perry guess

  54. kpist4:59 AM

    I completely understood what you meant, and I agree. It said break in A performance, not break in their performance.
