Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blind Item #11

Would you trade a child for money? That's what this girlfriend of an A list celebrity/reality star did. Gave up custody of her kid for the chance to make millions and be a star fu**er.


  1. Tricia134:30 AM

    Silverman/simon cowell

  2. Tricia134:31 AM

    Laura *

  3. sandybrook4:35 AM

    This isnt a blind if its her. We've known she did that way back when she was knocked up.

  4. Kno Won Uno4:35 AM

    It's not like being a star f*cker was a new thing.

  5. Kno Won Uno4:40 AM

    That's what I'm saying. The quality of posted blinds has slid straight into the crapper. I can read radar for this stuff.

  6. Yup. We haven't seen her with the son in months. Only Simon & the baby. Not even a picture of her in NY.

  7. sandybrook4:56 AM

    Or Ace at BG

  8. Kno Won Uno5:05 AM

    It's sooooooooo slow there. Drives me batty - plus, I don't comment.

  9. sandybrook5:19 AM

    Good thing--say one thing he disagrees with and you be gone!

  10. Studio546:26 AM

    More and more people will be doing this. Being on a reality show is enough name recognition to run for President these days.

  11. Cecilia008:11 AM

    If that's the choice she was willing to make, then her son is well rid of her.

  12. back again8:18 AM

    again--how is this a Blind?--what's going on here this week?
    This is already an agreement from months & months ago

  13. Mark Cuban

    posted today on HSK

  14. back again8:45 AM

    OH!!! another one !!! well then my apologies then enty!

  15. MadameZ9:43 AM

    I'm done with Blind Gossip. They are posting "blinds" that are in the news that very same day with the name of the person involved. I'm not giving that place one more click. The blinds here are awful too. Teen Mom, Real Housewives, Disney "stars", Tweeners...UGH. Pretty soon, I'll be giving up CDAN.

  16. Riven1:50 PM

    I've given up on most of these gossip sites, to be honest. Ace seems to take PR "sources" almost exclusively now, it's pathetic how obvious it is. And it makes me question every other BI. Ted C may have written some gibberish, but he was the real deal, he knew his shit. I think since social media has exploded, PR firms stopped just ignoring gossip sites and began giving "tips" that are potentially advantageous for their client. How much did the rumor about Marissa Tomei's Oscar affect her career? And at the expense of Jack Palance?

    BIs used to come from legit and well-cultivated sources, now they come from an email. But hey at least here we can call Enty out on it without being censored. Ace declines any comment that points out that a post is obviously PR.

  17. Riven3:15 PM

    Ok my post is a tad confusing. I was trying to point out how damaging

  18. Riven3:19 PM

    Sigh. That was actually a post that trashed Just Jared as a obsessed stalker fan boy who pays for access to young hollywood with saccharine-sweet

  19. Riven3:28 PM

    Oh for fucks sake. This is why I stopped coming to this site. I gave it another go but I'm done. This is fucking clown shoes.

  20. newby3:30 AM

    Which foreign born a list mogal was outed in a london courtroom but still gets blinds claiming he is a somehow a player?

  21. That is how it goes for a very long time. "Enty" takes a "story" from the rags and then turns it into a blind (making it more sensational). *sigh*
