Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Blind Item #1

This B- list mostly television actress who is on that very hit almost television show and is no stranger to trouble, skipped a press event because she was so wasted on drugs. This is becoming such an issue that she might be killed off in the upcoming season.


  1. Tricia1311:38 PM

    taryn Manning

  2. Derek Harvey11:41 PM

    Taryn Manning

  3. sandybrook11:41 PM

    I know there'
    s an answer here but I can't see it, so I'm sure it says Taryn Manning FTW!

  4. yep that's one slop girl!! I'm sure in high school they called her knees, lol u all get it!! She is one beat looking chick for her age, just saying she looks hard and was probably ridden that way

  5. @Marianne how poetic and eloquent you are. I'm sure at high school they called you truant, geddit?

  6. @brit well contrary to your belief system no I wasn't truant by any means I would have graduated valedictorian of my class, not too sure about you though..

  7. @Marianne, "would have"? Except/apart from? We don't have valedictorian here or re-hash our 'high school' achievements years later... and don't worry I've not built a "belief system" around a douchey (look I'm appropriating yankie terms!) comment about BJs some bint made online.

  8. StevieG8:38 AM

    Taryn Manning is a girlfriend beating POS so I know I shouldn't feel sympathy for her. But she's also clearly a total mess with serious issues.

  9. DoctorMaybe1:57 PM

    You know, what I love about the Internet is that there are so many valedictorian/black belt/Eagle scout/talent show winners! It's such a high class of people! Much better than the run of bozos you meet in real life.
