Sunday, August 09, 2015

Blind Item #2

Apparently early Friday morning, some guests on a yacht thought this B list mostly movie actress who only seems to act in her franchise at this point was dead. The amount of drugs and booze and consumed the night before would lead someone to conclude it. She was breathing, but people there seem to think she is trying to kill herself because she increases the amount she uses almost every night.


  1. sandybrook11:45 PM

    Michelle Rodrieguez

  2. tricia1311:48 PM


  3. back again11:55 PM

    +1-- inevitably will be her fate if she keeps it up- drugs,alcohol & the deep blue sea is never a good idea let alone continuing to test her luck with the same combo season after season. I think that Michelle R. is a VERY Lonely girl personally & an accident waiting to happen. Okay... Sermon over!

  4. HH3142:08 AM

    Oh Michi
    get your shit together girl

  5. Gadzooks4:27 AM

    When addicts go sober for short periods, then slip, they drink even more and take even more drugs. Unfortunately nothing unusual here. If she is depressed, the drugs and alcohol will make it worse. Hope she gets real help before it's too late. 28 day programs don't work for people like her. More like 1 to 2 year programs will be needed.

  6. I thought Tara Reid
