Monday, August 24, 2015

Blind Item #4

Another controlling relationship bites the dust. They were former co-stars. She was an A list mostly television actress who does mostly movies now after her show ended. She also is doing some producing of a great almost television show. Apparently his constant "advising" just wore her down to the point she couldn't take it any longer and the two are over.


  1. Tricia1312:33 AM

    amy poehler/ Nick kroll

  2. I like this Amy/Nick guess. That is one coupling I don't mind see going.

  3. Tricia131:26 AM

    @CE, I don't mind either.I didn't realize she produced as much as she did, and she is so great as a performer;Definitely deserves to trade up!

  4. Malibuborebee7:28 AM

    I always figured that Kroll was just her post-asshole-ex-husband rebound relationship. It was destined to go bust but wtf is up with him "advising" a comedy genius like Amy Poehler? She's well rid of him.

  5. Ruxin rules.
