Monday, August 03, 2015

Blind Item #5

After the death last year of hi long time partner, this closeted married foreign born A list mostly movie actor has found someone else he has been seeing while out of the eye of paps here in the States.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Hugh Jackman

  2. Why do I keep getting redirected to some other site on the regular version of the blog?

  3. Because God hates you & wants you to suffer for that thing you did.

  4. devon4:55 AM

    @Cary just another great tactic for more ads.

    the cool thing is in september, if u have a mac, apple releases the new iOS which pretty much destroys all built in ads, autoplay, redirect to other pages, etc.

    and if most websites cant figure out a way to have unblocked ads...they fucked ya'll!

  5. devon4:57 AM

    also, does hugh jackman's wife not have any self-respect?

  6. I believe the story is she's been in on it the entire time & is a lesbian I think?

  7. I thought Hugh Jackman's long time partner was John Palermo? Not dead as far as I know. Long time partner implies the A lister probably isn't super young. Is Pierce Brosnan closeted? Love him.

  8. back again7:20 AM

    @Sam,I thought he & John Palermo were over years ago
