Friday, August 28, 2015

Blind Item #5

This B- list mostly television actress who is basically out of work now that her most recent show bit the dust is getting money and promotional offers by name dropping that A+ list friend of hers. She is telling them that her A+ lister will retweet photos and they are basically getting a two for one. This will not end well.


  1. Derek Harvey12:46 AM

    someone and Taylor Swift

  2. tricia1312:46 AM

    taylor Swift/Jessica Schor

  3. Derek Harvey12:48 AM

    jamie king

  4. snitty12:56 AM

    Leah is the Exes and friend is JLo ?

  5. tricia131:03 AM

    That's a great guess@snitty:)

  6. snitty1:06 AM

    Thanks, Tricia! I've never seen the show and it doesn't list her in the main cast list, but her IMDB says she was on 13 maybe?

  7. tricia131:11 AM

    She had 6th billing(RE-occurring character), it was cancelled earlier this month, so it seems to work.Plus- she seems shameless like that- anything to stay in front if camera(like her bad marriage/reality show):(

  8. Saskia1:27 AM

    Why are all the items about Jen lawrence related to drugs when it's clear that she isn't on drugs?? I'm not even a fan of hers and i can ser it... Thanks

  9. DoctorMaybe1:33 AM

    Hey, everybody - Saskia can SEE when someone is on drugs! That is AMAZING! Do you know how much the DEA would pay you for that super-power? Holy crap! Saskia, honey, are you an X-Man? Will you be joining the Avengers? Can you get me Ant-Man's autograph?

  10. Whywhywhy???1:48 AM

    The show had potential but never really took off. I stopped watching.

  11. +1 literally my exact thought as i was scrolling to read the comments (yours specifically, you're usually right)

  12. Derek Harvey1:31 PM

    wow, that is a sweet complement--thanks--but I am definitely wrong at least 60% of the time. But I feel confident about this one--cheers : )

  13. Spook3:32 PM

    You can usually tell when someone is a habitual drug user- although it might take a few months for the more physical side effects to kick in.

  14. Spook3:33 PM

    But Saskia- maybe don't automatically assume that she's sober because the coke bloat hasn't set in yet.

  15. bandit blue4:31 PM

    Jamie King's show Hart of Dixie ended (cancelled) in March this year

    A+ obviously Taylor Swift

  16. well then6:53 PM

    okay, but who's the subject of the BI -- the 'someone'?

  17. Derek Harvey12:19 AM

    As I stated below, Jamie King.

  18. DoctorMaybe1:52 AM

    Spook - don't you believe it, honey child. In my younger years, I worked at a very popular downtown bar in a major entertainment industry town, and there were always young and pretty girls doing lines on their breaks who continued to look young and pretty year in and year out. This aside from the entertainment types I brushed up against from time to time who also did a lot of drugs and managed to stay looking fab.

    The fact is, some people can moderate; just because you're a regular user doesn't mean you're out of control. And even some of the ones who ARE out of control can stay looking relatively amazing, for one or more of three reasons: ungodly beauty to start with; good luck/genetics; the help of cunning make-up and beauty people.

    But yeah, as much as the moralists would love to have you believe that there's a direct connection between being a regular drug user and being a human trainwreck, it's just not so. That's not an endorsement of drugs, just a fact.
