Friday, August 07, 2015

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who generally only did comedies is aging now. His latest attempt at a comeback failed pretty badly this year. He still has A list name recognition but not the career any longer to go with it. That being said he always found plenty of women to sleep with during his decades long marriage. Then he got prostate cancer and can't stand to attention any longer which also brought an end to the cheating. He thinks his wife never knew. He is wrong.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    dan Ackroyd

  2. Derek Harvey1:04 AM

    chevy chase

  3. Derek Harvey1:05 AM

    hot tub time machone 2

  4. I see the faggot is back

  5. Derek Harvey1:29 AM

    I see Tricias prison friends are back

  6. Tricia is a bitch. And a prison mate. A know it all bitch. You are a faggot. A faggot whose asshole should ne sewn shut. Faggot.

  7. Kno Won Uno1:52 AM

    I see that The Summer Camp for the Incurably Unoriginal Tweener Trolls got wifi! Please post pics of your counselors schtupping, you silly goblins - quick before the shut off your signal!

  8. Derek Harvey's Alter Ego2:15 AM

    BN, Tricia is the biggest know it all. You would think after her conjugal visit she would be raising her child instead of commenting on here. You forgot about sandydouche she sucks too.

    Leave my man alone

  9. Adam Sandler

  10. Simon2:54 AM

    I think Chevy chase too

  11. So, this is bash TricIa13 day. So, sad, given I always liked her guesses(?) or posts.
    Most make sense to me since I only pay little attention to most celebrity gossip -- which they usually only do just for PR.

  12. DoctorMaybe5:21 AM

    I love it when people use "know it all" as an insult, because it's a perfect indicator of willful stupidity. Who but the pitiably ignorant would use an imputation of intelligence as an attack?

  13. tricia135:37 AM

    Or this@Doctor
    Derek Harvey's Alter Ego
    August 6, 2015 at 10:23 am
    I like how Tricia deflect the question because no one would hire her because she can't pass a background check.

    Well now I don't purport to know everything luv, but I do know basic verb conjugation...The genius wordsmith that you are-expert on grammar ,who criticizes others language skills and lives (of which they know nothing ), seems to have slithered from the rocks you cower under to regale us with your own ignorance; only thing you seem to be a master of is Ebonics, and the only thing you've likely passed is your brain during your last enema. just another onset of bitter nobodies likely from the former site who offer no value (or ever did)to anything so they are forced to attempt to malign and intimidate( and attack people who have 0 f***'s to give).They should be concerned with their own lives-because with each post hey make I swear I hear a megaphone in the background telling them there's a "clean-up" in Aisle 4......

  14. sandybrook7:30 AM

    For the board's biggest loser in life read about yourself, you fucking ass:

  15. Malibuborebee10:44 AM

    Jesus fucking christ.

  16. cant believe people waste time on here fighting with each other. life is short - this website is just for fun. go smoke a joint, guys

  17. Malibuborebee11:49 AM

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we have our winner.

    @BN, you are officially The Worst Person In This Thread and have been automatically entered in the Worst Person On The Internet Today sweepstakes.

    Congratulations. You must be so proud.

  18. trolling online is free therapy for people who are miserable

  19. Peter Rabbit2:19 PM

    Chevy Chase was always an asshole.

  20. tricia1311:11 PM

    Ha! good one@Malibu borebee -they (amongst others)are also winners of the"most uniformed and inaccurate"sweepstakes considering I've never been in a prison in my life.(one doesn't go to"prison") when they have never been charged with, um yeah....time to crack out the box set of Law and Order, NYPD Blue- something judging by the lack of intellegencia- thinking the reboot of 21 Jump Street may be a better fit. Yeah- let it slip as long as I did to see how ridiculous people can be- the answer is=Extremely.

  21. back again1:01 AM

    Say it ain't so silly wabbit!

  22. back again1:03 AM

    oops double posted again---sorry guys-it said "web error" at my end...argggh

  23. immature6:01 AM

    Adam Sandler, the failure being Pixels.

  24. djdhdjjdjd2:14 AM

    Vince Vaughn
