Sunday, August 16, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 4, 2015

This foreign born probable one album wonder from 2014 had some really bad pot brownies he said. Well his road manager said. Tried to come up with some reason why the singer was running around the hotel hallways naked two nights ago.

Sam Smith


  1. Some probably wish he would go away because he is getting a huge narcissistic ego but I don't think he will be a one album wonder.

  2. I call bullshit. Pot edibles, I don't care how strong will NOT make you run naked down the halls of a hotel or anywhere....
    now MDMA/"rolling" will do that, no doubt about it.
    Pot Brownies my ass. He was either on LSD or MDMA.
    I love how morons try to make it seem as though pot will make you do stupid shit like that. You eat a whole tray of pot brownies? Your ass isn't moving ANYWHERE!!!!!
    Fucking dumbass celebrities.

  3. Sam Smith Sucks1:53 AM

    I pray to the gods that Enty is right & Sam Smith goes away. He is the douche to end all douches. I can't stand his voice & I bristle every time he comes on the radio. I was hoping his vocal chord surgery would've been the end of him. Mean? Yes - but I don't care. That's how much I detest that overexposed over-hyped douchebag.

  4. ps. I call bullshit on the pot brownies, NOT him running around naked. He's an ass....most definitely, but like I said above, pot does not make you act like that. His asshole actions are all sam smith...not pot.

  5. Hayley2:47 AM

    +1 million

  6. NoseyNeighbor3:42 AM

    Most of the people I've known or come across who have lost massive amounts of weight have their douchey moments. It usually lasts a couple of years and then they stop. There are the rare few who are nothing like this and are still wonderful. They come back to earth and get used to everything. He's always seemed nice enough to me from the few times I've paid attention to him. But maybe the public knows better.

  7. texasrose3:52 AM

    Was the nude guy he was chasing spotted?

  8. Not LSD either. I took a LOT of it back in the day, along with everyone else in my crowd, and nobody ever got naked or thought they could fly or any of the other stupid shit people try to tell you it does.

  9. True. Unless it was laced or taken w/ MDMA, you are correct, no one will get naked solely on LSD.
