Friday, August 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 23, 2015

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress might be a half a world away but she has somehow managed to be in almost as bad a shape as she ever has. In the past week she has been so wasted that she took a tumble down two flights of stairs and she kept trying to take the microphone and sing at a huge event for someone else.

Lindsay Lohan (and now all the stories about her at the wedding are coming out)


  1. Derek Harvey1:19 AM

    Nailed it

    off to read about her shenanigans

  2. Derek Harvey1:22 AM

    very trashy behavior---just typical drink and drugs---and they let her be DJ for a bit and she kept playing The Boy is Mine over and over again...did she want the groom? like WTF.

  3. Whywhywhy???1:43 AM

    Linds explained that crazy behavior. Someone drugged her drink. Personally I think she slipped herself some very good coke and kicked it back with a bottle of vodka but she is not saying. She's not certain how that coke got up her nose. Dina, stop pressuring her to come on your new reality show, she has no reason for therapy...LOL None at all.

  4. It is ALWAYS someone else's "fault" with her --

    A-L-W-A-Y-S !!!!!

    Does she EVER take ANY responsibility for ANY of her actions!?!?

    E-V-E-R !?!?!?!?!

  5. And-so-on..1:56 AM

    Someone slipped her a Micky and she was the DJ at a wedding.., and they stole her fabulous DJ jewelry, perhaps.. because when she recovered, she has some that aren't the ones she was wearing there, but they seem just as nice, although she wants the original ones back.. heh.

  6. Puffy2:09 AM

    Oof. What a trainwreck. And let's talk about this wedding for a second too. The theme of the wedding was the movie "Eyes Wide Shut"? That is just so lulzy on so many levels. Of course Lilo was invited to an Eyes Wide Shut wedding. Also, did you see the picture Lilo posted in her dress she wore to the wedding? I've never seen bruises like she has on her leg. Her entire leg is black & blue. And that was before falling down the stairs.

  7. Kno Won Uno2:19 AM


  8. Kno Won Uno2:20 AM

    First of all - who hires Lindsay Lohan to DJ their wedding?!
    A second of all isn't necessary.

  9. Huh? I must have missed it, but where did the Page Six "story" say that she kept on trying to get the mic and sing? She left the reception early to run around naked in her villa.

  10. Puffy2:54 AM

    the EWS & picture of Lilo was in Celebitchy (sorry don't know how to make it clickable)

  11. Puffy2:57 AM

    Gawker also reported about the EWS wedding

  12. Okay. Lindsay posted to the photo on August 22 where you can see the bruises. So that is where "Enty" probably got the "falling down the stairs" from.

  13. it took forever5:39 AM

    poor lindsay cant get a break. when she isnt drugging herself someone else is doing it for her

  14. TheCousinEddy11:11 AM

    I'm seeing a trend here (duh)... As long as she stays on that side of the pond and doesn't bring her disease-infested self back to the states, then we (Americans) call all live in relative peace.

  15. Cortney2:00 PM

    LOL oh my! Bless her likely damaged from drug use heart!
