Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 9, 2015

This married B list mostly movie actress who is not that great of an actress (except for one small role she did in a comedy I love) but is really nice to look at it apparently finally woke up and realized what a tool of an actor husband she married and caught him cheating. She has been staying at a condo rather than in the family home.

Megan Fox/Brian Austin Green


  1. Kno Won Uno1:52 AM

    I will admit that I didn't think she had the wherewithal to leave this asshat. Good for her.

  2. What comedy was she in?

  3. Mowbray3:02 AM

    How To Lose Friends and Alienate People - she was really well cast and did a good job in that one.

  4. labman20003:56 AM

    I liked Megan Fox in the small role she had in 40 something.

  5. Lila Fowler5:08 AM

    I wonder if that is the real reason that they decided to sell the house that they are remodeling on Flipping Out (oh yeah, BAG is on this season, themoreyouknow.gif).

  6. Penelope 27:12 AM

    I was waiting to hear this...he is so beyond gross to, and always struck me as a cheater and user. Can't stand this piece of crap. I'm glad she finally woke up, I hated seeing what he did to her.

  7. The one where Megan and Gillian Anderson got really close and flirty on the set. Allegedly.

  8. Malibuborebee1:01 PM

    He's packing one of the biggest cocks in Hollywood. They met when she was 17/18, she didn't know any better. She was dickmatized but she's snapped out of it now.
