Saturday, August 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 26, 2015

This former A list athlete/celebrity who really did not live up to the A list athlete part as much if you look at his success rate uses a family member to pick up women for him so he can maintain his puritanical image. If the woman is capable of being quiet and good to go, she is introduced to the celebrity.

Tim Tebow


  1. Penelope 21:45 AM

    You can respect them more if they are just honest about it. He's not married, he can date who he wants openly.

  2. AndrewBW3:41 AM

    I'm going to guess that dating them isn't what he has in mind.

  3. back again3:51 AM

    Ahhhh so tell me, how does one prove "that a woman is capable of being quiet and good to go" ???

  4. He's such an effing fake! Lying to all his minions so they will donate to his foundation and buy his crap. What an asshat.

  5. lakers7:37 AM

    but everytime he cums he is killing thousands of babies!!!!
