Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3-Kindness

October 15, 2014

This married A list mostly movie actress has not worked as much recently since she won an Academy Award.This weekend though she saved this former B list talk show host turned probably failed reality star. Nothing life saving, but the former reality star got caught up in donating at an event and realized she did not have that kind of money and told the A lister who stepped up and covered the amount so the reality star would not lose face. It was just under $50K.

Natalie Portman/Maria Menounos


  1. Kno Won Uno2:25 AM

    This never happens to me. I never "accidentally" over spend by several thousand dollars followed by some kind stranger wiping out my debt. Very unfair.

  2. ...and to think that both Aston and Mila both think Natalie's a bitch to work with.
    Very nice of Natalie to step up like that.
    I hope Maria knows she owes Natalie big time.

  3. back again2:35 AM

    she just "got caught up in donating" BY $50,000.00 ??? WTF?
    I can see $1-2000.00 but you don't overbid by $50 Thousand that you do NOT have.
    That's just ignorance.

  4. sandybrook2:38 AM

    I wonder if she did this on purpose? Publically she looked good spending money she didn't have, so she did it to look good. And she might have known enough people there to finagle a loan from someone after she explained she was a bit short on funds.

  5. lakers2:41 AM

    always thought natalie was different in a good way and glad to see Im right

  6. back again2:49 AM

    yes.I think she absolutely did it on question in my mind.
    Maria The Money Manipulator

  7. Aallan2:55 AM

    Maria probably thought she didn't have to pay that night, so she would get out of actually paying later, meanwhile looking good in front of press and real celebs at the time.

  8. TheCousinEddy3:01 AM

    I wonder if perhaps Menounos was a little tipsy and got caught up in the bidding or, perhaps, was shill bidding in a sense, hoping to raise the donation amount for the charity, but when the hammer dropped, it was her on the hook with the winning bid.

    Either way, I agree with others, if you don't have the spare coin, you shouldn't be bidding.

  9. back again3:09 AM

    I think Maria knows how these Auctions work very very well--hell she's been at them for almost 20 years.You always get the money by the end of the Evening or have the credit card number.
    And YES, they purposely booze you up so you'll be looser with your change but still you go in knowing ballpark how much you're willing to part with.
    Do you know what kind of schematic nightmare it would be trying to chase down all of the bidders to pay the money the day(s) after on the IOUs??-- it'd never happen.

  10. Groaning3:34 AM

    I hope Maria paid Natalie back. This article alone makes Natalie an A plus .

  11. Derek Harvey3:39 AM

    I like Natalie--she marches to the beat of her own drum.

  12. back again3:46 AM

    I've liked Natalie alot ever since she blew me away with her performance in "The Professional".

  13. texasrose4:32 AM

    This should be an 'Idiot' blind for Maria.

  14. TopperMadison5:22 AM

    Or drunkenness at a charity auction. However, people are usually just invoiced later in those cases. Maybe Natalie was just tipsy enough to feel generous right then. "Hey! It's for charity! This is so much fun! Let me get this one, and you get mine at the next gala, K?" It happens.

  15. TopperMadison5:29 AM

    Actually, it does happen at pretty much every black-tie event I've ever worked, and I've been in non-profit fundraising for 15 years. People usually do honor their debts because they definitely know they will be found out if they skip, and the society people they're trying to impress will kick them out of the club. It's harder to collect paddle raise pledges than auction items, but invoicing does happen all the time.

  16. back again6:52 AM

    Okay @Topper. I stand corrected.The Charity Auctions that i've been to had reps or the actual people pay after it left the stage or at the end or someone would discreetly come find you & write info down for you.

  17. Maybe Natalie wanted a 3some partner.
