Sunday, August 02, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 28, 2015

This former B list mostly television actress who has not worked much since her very hit almost network show went off the air says she is so poor because of her legal issues she hits as many events in a week as she can because it is how she can afford to eat. Plus she sells the gifts she gets and is also her entertainment.

Kelly Rutherford


  1. rrorroww2:10 AM

    maybe she shouldnt have had her husband deported.

  2. And-so-on..2:16 AM

    Kelly talk to Halle; she might help as you are kindred souls who will party, plot, plan and laugh for hours.. so to speak

  3. sandybrook3:04 AM

    what does she do to entertain herself? Maybe she can sell the tapes of that to make money :D

  4. might just want to consider getting a "normal" job like the rest of us 99.99999 percenters! I don't feel sorry for you one bit.

  5. NotHerWhiteKnight5:24 AM

    @bjd: If you look up her wikipedia page, she's broke because of legal bills relating to custody fights with her ex. I'm not white knighting for her, but I think she has unique circumstances compared to most in her financial situation in the entertainment business (who run through their money on epic binges of coke and booze and shopping trips). I feel a little bad for her after reading the weird circumstances involved.
