Sunday, August 09, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 23, 2013

Emmy Awards

This one technically took place several hours before the awards started. The two stars of this hit network show which starts airing again very soon had a work function at a hotel yesterday around noon. OK, well their bosses would have loved for them to be there but they weren't actually required to be there. That isn't what they told their respective spouses and spent an hour alone together in a room in the hotel they have used before. I wonder how they keep getting the same room?

Kerry Washington/Tony Goldwyn


  1. Two years later and their situation hasn't changed. Still married to their respective spouses that they are never with and the baby still hasn't been shown to the public. Maybe they are just waiting for the series to end.

  2. Malibuborebee5:33 AM

    Nobody's seen the baby yet? That's unusual.

    Obviously this is more than a passing fling with these two. She married to cover for the pregnancy, that can easily be undone. Is there some reason why Goldwyn doesn't just get a divorce?

  3. NoseyNeighbor5:48 AM

    Goldwyn and his wife are so old and there is so much money between the two of them that I don't think they will ever divorce. It's pointless. Besides, do you honestly see Tony chasing a toddler around on a daily basis? He's got a good thing going (so does his wife). He's not messing it up.

  4. Hmmmm6:07 AM

    @Malibuborebee Supposedly, Kerry takes the baby on set and to photoshoots with her and shows people lots of photos of her, well, other celebs, but the only photos the public has seen have been pap photos, and both times the baby had a blanket covering her head and face. According to Kerry, she looks like her dad.

    What I hardly ever hear people talk about is that Kerry seemed to have a very long pregnancy. I could tell she was pregnant during the summer, and it was obvious to almost everyone by the time the Emmys came around but she didn't have the baby until April 20-something. She also seemed to thin out a lot in the last few episodes of Scandal that season...

  5. I have to say that I love getting conformation of their affair. Married or not those two belong together.

  6. "so old"? Come ON. He's 55. That may sound ancient to someone in their 20s, but trust me, an in-shape person has PLENTY of energy at 55. Yes, enough to run around after toddlers. Sheesh.

  7. Whywhywwhy???1:56 AM

    Preach. I second that sheesh. I thought Kerry was getting divorced/contract up.

  8. Hmmmm9:11 AM

    Thought I'd add that Tony seems to see himself chasing a toddler. From a year ago,

    Yes, he's up for babysitting for the new mom. "I've offered multiple times," Goldwyn said. "My babies are all grown up so I'm ready for more baby duty."
