Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

December 4, 2014

Do you think when everyone on the set of your show is telling you to hold off having a baby and frowning when they see you with all of the ovulation tests that they are trying to tell you something about the man you want to be the father of your kids. This A list mostly television actress on a huge network show should listen.

Kaley Cuoco


  1. sandybrook3:33 AM

    I wonder if she drove him away with all this crap? Forget about him being a loser.

  2. meowie3:44 AM

    I'm not familiar with Kaley, other than gossip, but it seems pretty clear that she's doing what she wants to do. She's an adult who is making her own decisions. Honestly, she wouldnt be the first woman to have kids with an unfaithful/loser partner. Life is rough, y'all!

  3. back again4:03 AM

    this Blind makes me think of Megan Fox & Brian Asshat Green's divorce.
    I just read in DM that she hired Laura Wasser for her Atty which is a good thing, BUT,
    she has no PreNup which is a Bad Thing--they're figuring out now how much Spousal Support she's going to have to pay him-This makes me sick b/c I'm sure he said no way to a PreNup since she was already making more $$$ than him at the time of their marriage.
    (i don't know why i care but BAG really disgusts me & he's going to try to squeeze all he can from her,mentally,emotionally,psychologically,physically & money wise).
    She's got the right Attorney for this-Wasser won't let Green manipulate or guilt Megan into signing her life away or use the kids as pawns in his custody games. (i'm off the pulpit now)

  4. texasrose4:58 AM

    She's an adult. I hope she has a good prenup but she has enough money to do what she wants. If she wanted to marry him and have a kid more power to her. Even if he turns out to be the loser every seems to think he is she will be just fine$$$$.

  5. Violet5:00 AM

    Blimey, if my work colleagues felt they had some say in when I could/couldn't have a baby I'd feel more than a little peeved with them.

  6. TalksTooMuch5:05 AM

    I bet it has more to do with her coworkers not wanting to lose their jobs/ have to work around her belleh if /when she gets pregnant

  7. Again, why do women who are currently successful, try to make a baby with a guy she knows she will not being stayed married to? Making a baby is NOT going to save the relationship.
    When I was in my 20's, single mom's were the least attractive women to me. I did NOT want to be the dad to another man's baby -- no matter what.
    (I know, that's a bad thing to say.)

  8. texasrose5:47 AM

    Because she wants a baby. Some do it without boyfriends or husbands.

  9. aemish8:53 AM

    If these people don't feel comfortable having a heart to heart with her, why don't they just slip an anonymous note into her dressing room telling her what they know about her man..? Meh, I don't know if I would bother doing that either on second thought

  10. BAG has a reputation of being controlling and abusing. I'm sure if you dig, you will find the blinds and info about him when he was still with Vanessa Marcil... He got Megan when she was super young so he could try to manipulate and control her... Seems like she has grown up and cut the strings. Glad she caught on.

  11. he got her to marry him after only like 9 months! and no pre nup, i dont think.

  12. 3 months. i was wrong.

  13. not a bad thing to say at all. it's a HUGE responsibility to raise a kid. why should you walk into someone else's responsibility if you aren't interested in a kid yet? idk, i think it's a perfectly good reason to not date someone.

  14. Groaning1:59 AM

    God, she reminds of Scarlett Johanssen. Why are these women so stupid as to marry men they haven't googled? The whole world knows the men are bad news, do they think they can "change" them?

  15. And just recently "retired" from playing tennis -- when he hasn't done squat in the past year or two and I think made all of something like $2 bucks last year! And he's rated something like #999th in the tennis world anymore anyway! What a joke.......
