Sunday, September 13, 2015

Blind Item #3

The girlfriend of this A- list mostly movie actor who has been acting since he was a teen and is a celebrity offspring was at a premiere the other night and let it be known that she wants a reality show and feels like she has a lot to say and spewing all kinds of crap. She says her boyfriend is not really into the idea but that she can change his mind. Women who used to push him too hard got beaten, so I hope she is careful.


  1. Karen2:32 AM

    Josh Brolin.

  2. Totally Brolin

  3. Sadie2:56 AM

    Sounds exactly like Brolin. He's a good actor, it's a shame he's such a jerk.

  4. sandybrook3:09 AM

    For this, except for beating, I agree with him. Reality show serves him no purpose.

  5. Princess Kate9:02 AM

    Brolin, and he is GROSS and should GO AWAY. NOW, thank you.

  6. TopperMadison12:11 AM

    Yeah, and he's aged even better than RDJ. I just can't stand it. Life is so unfair.

  7. Looking forward to reading more. Great blog.Thanks Again. Want more.
