Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blind Item #4

This B list mostly television actor burned a lot of bridges in his last big movie job and he does the same in relationships and also now on his current network hit. He is ticked his role has been reduced and the actor says he is going to start spilling a lot of secrets about the cast and producers. Considering the amount of drugs he takes and all his enemies, he is lucky to even be working. He should be thanking them.


  1. Tricia1312:30 AM

    Terence howard

  2. Derek Harvey12:30 AM

    terrence howard

  3. Kno Won Uno12:36 AM

    It might have been Dlisted, I don't remember - some site said something about baby wipes must emit hallucinogenic fumes, because this guy is whacked.

  4. Derek Harvey12:40 AM

    he stands over his girlfriends and makes sure they wipe their um-private parts-after using the washroom---sorry, kinda gross but don't shoot the messenger...

  5. Tricia1312:40 AM

    He just gave a bizarre interview(with Rolling Stone or-the magazine formerly known as RS, IMO)where he claims RDJ owes him 10 million and a bunch of other crazy stuff.Oh- and he cued his own Bell's palsy as a child with a self made electro- shock contraception.cuckoo.

  6. Derek Harvey12:40 AM

    *with baby wipes

  7. Tricia1312:41 AM


  8. Kno Won Uno12:46 AM

    ...which is when he inhales large quantities of baby wipe fumes, I suppose. Creepy guy.

  9. Kno Won Uno12:48 AM

    Ah-ha! Electro-convulsive therapy can do interesting things - including curing some resistant depressions - but self-administered ECT? That's insane to begin with. Self-administering homemade ECT as a *child* - yeah, he's insane.

  10. Kno Won Uno12:50 AM

    I'm getting "You comment is awaiting moderation"
    It's probable that someone complained about something I said. Oh, I'm sad. Ha! Yeah, right.

  11. You ask and I deliver; http://dlisted.com/2015/09/14/what-in-the-hell-kind-of-drugs-do-they-put-in-baby-wipes/

  12. Moderation? Oh man. Let's hope we don't get the same old shit as with Blind Gossip where you have to hope and wait for a loooooong before your comment will appear. They even remove parts of your comments if they don't like it!

  13. Kno Won Uno1:41 AM

    Precisely, Watson!

  14. Hopefully, Howard will be a has-been soon....then he can go cash in on his Terryology

  15. Great scott! That was crazy.
    Good read. Thanks for the link, Me.

  16. Rocky2:35 AM

    This guy took up residence on planet Evil a long time ago.

    He blames RDJ for taking money out of his pocket. As far as I'm concerned if he had that much power, than I'm glad he did!!!

  17. Gookie2:42 AM

    I really, really don't get the appeal of this guy. I don't know why anyone hires him. Every role he is offered should go to Don Cheadle. There are so many talented actors who would love an opportunity to have his roles. *scratches head*

  18. Groaning3:15 AM

    The terrible math "genius" Terrence Howard. I would love if they fired him from Empire.
