Sunday, September 06, 2015

Blind Item #4

This closeted boy bander who is arguably the most famous from the group hung out the other night with a pro tennis player who specializes in doubles. The tennis pro is out and open to friends and family so maybe our boy bander is taking a step that way too.


  1. Derek Harvey2:46 AM

    harry styles

  2. Derek Harvey2:49 AM

    and Donald Young?

  3. Tricia 132:49 AM

    Harry Styles/NickMcGarvel

  4. Princess Kate2:55 AM

    Marc Lopez or Marcel Granollers for the tennis player?

  5. music girl4:02 AM

    WHO KNOWS IF HARRY IS GAY OR NOT!!!! WTF...just because he is famous he is not allowed to socialize with men (especially gay men) and use his platform to support equality without automatically being labeled as gay! So stupid! Being gay is NOT a bad thing by the way but people (especially fans) shouldn't label anyone's sexuality by who they hang out with or what they support. For all we know he might be in a serious relationship with a woman (gasp). Harry is very talented and seems to be a very kind person so whenever he does "come out" about his sexuality either straight, gay or bisexual then I'll believe it but until then I wont give into to ignorant speculation from his psycho fans.

  6. HeyHey5:03 AM

    Its funny how all these blind items were stating for YEARS that Louis and Harry were both gay and having a secret relationship and then BOOM...the truth pops up with Harry publicly being outed by a husband for having an affair with his wife and now Louis knocking up a girl. Wait...Harry and Louis were with WOMEN??? LOL...their fans (Larry Fans) were frantic to cover these scandals up. This is why I now know that 99% of all these blind items about 1D are derived from fan speculation and nothing else.

  7. lazer5:06 AM

    Harry Styles for one directioner.

    preteen girls need to get over his love for man.


    Everyone Tay Tay "dates" takes it up the ass. Hmmmm...

  9. oh. no.6:11 AM

    .."his psycho fans." ;)

  10. ellie7:49 AM

    Pop your retainer back in and just chill out lol. NO ONE has said being gay is bad, not a single person. But speculating on sexuality of celebrities is an age-old past time. I'm sure the Egyptians speculated the sexuality of King Tut, it happens. No one actually *cares* if he's gay, but it makes for interesting gossip. If he is gay, I hope he opens up eventually, because it would be a great step in his life and for pop music or whatever in general. If not, then oops, we're wrong. No blood lost.

  11. hothotheat8:09 AM

    Maybe Harry wants to learn how to play tennis during the band's break.

  12. Music Girl8:22 AM

    @ellie Pop my retainer????? WTF???? Your defense on this matter is not only the most belligerent rant I ever heard but weak AF! King Tut Vs Harry....OKAAAAY? Stating someones sexuality based on social media fan speculation is not only wrong but absurd and just continues to feed the homophobic pig that we as a society are trying to overcome! You say that no one "cares" but it seems that you get off on it which says A LOT about you.

  13. StopYelling11:28 AM

    Hey, Music Girl,
    You're the only one ranting of being belligerent. Seriously, slow down and actually read a response before flying into a keyboard rage about someone else's views, when you haven't a clue. (You're embarrassing yourself and also are not the spokesperson for Harry.)
    Take care and feel better.

  14. texasrose11:33 AM

    Ellie - I see you are learning the ways of this site. We'll have you snarking with the best of them yet. Good job on the retainer bit:)

  15. texasrose11:34 AM

    BTW- isn't it fun?

  16. Music Girl3:33 PM

    @SY Embarrassing myself to who ...YOU? LMFAO ....why the F would I be embarrass defending my point of view.Yes, I know I am not the "spokesperson" for Harry Styles but are YOU? All I did was come in here and called BS on the blind item above which I see many of you in here do and then I get attacked by another poster for my views! FYI...I didn't call out ANYONE on this site in my first initial response just the blind item in general. BTW....was belligerent to severe for you how about that better! :)

  17. music girl3:48 PM

    Agree 100%

  18. Fred844:37 PM

    Is the tennis pro male or female?

  19. Rrrrr6:25 PM

    Wasn't there few days ago a BI about Harry dating Xander Ritz? Xander has been seen at US Open so we should now assume they met the tennis player together or what?

  20. So Larry is dead for real? :(

  21. You're My Entertainment12:20 AM

    Music made my point more valid.
    This is a fun entertainment website so deal with it.
    Now go get ready for school tomorrow and don't forget to pack a lunch.

  22. Music Girl3:33 AM

    @ StopYelling, You're My Entertainment, texasrose, I'm thinking this might be the same person am I right? FYI....been out of college for several years now so you can stop with the passive aggressive teen BS response you seem to use on posters whenever they disagree with the blinds. Why don't you use "basement dweller" the next time you post because that name descibes you perfectly.xoxo

  23. My Entertainment Has Fading Fast5:34 AM

    If you've been in college, then remember the lesson in which all grades at all schools emphasized Reading and Comprehension?
    Well, part of my message to you was included in my "name" (only ME, and you're totally acting like a paranoid 1d psycho fan).
    How silly of me to think you would understand I was the same responder by me saying, "you made MY point...".
    You're being paranoid and ridiculous so please go away.
    If your conceit and inflated sense of importance is any indication of your lack of character, even just from your writing, then I feel sorry for anyone around you on a regular basis.
    This site is FUN, and ENTERTAINMENT. Get over it.
    Name-calling (with NO relevance to the point being made), plus your over-usage of capitalization, WTFs, and punctuation (???!!!???!!!) makes it impossible to take you seriously.
    Get help. You seem like the type to become unhinged enough to attack people.
    Go away and feel better soon.
    Meditate, breathe, and take better care of yourself before your anger kills you. (I pity you and wish you well...get help, there really are a lot of places out there to find help

  24. To be honest, the one who sounds psycho is you. Having a meltdown over the fact Harry is probably gay. Or at least wants everyone to think he is.

    Likely because he is. Take a chill pill and find your inner rainbow. Harry has.

  25. Lolling that music girl endorses the first rubbish unproven 1D HQ PR job on Harry and an iffy Louis 'baby' but has a hissy fit if 'gay' is mentioned.

    I'm going to really enjoy when Harry comes out. It's going to be fabulous.

  26. Well, anyway, it's obviously Harry isn't it. The most famous one in the band. HUGE clue, do you need any more clues, lol.

    Harry's been itching to come out forever imo, his own words, actions, Instagram, onstage antics, the circles he hangs in. Even his PR team have had to stop portraying him as a 'womanizer' bcs a. nobody believes it b. he can't carry through with bearding very well, or for very long. More power to his gay self I say.

  27. Music Girl6:45 AM

    Unhinged? Alright I am not the one that is making lengthy defensive belligerent rants and yes, I did say BELLIGERENT because that is what this mess above is. LOL please stop with the passive aggressive teen reference while you're at it, it's such an ignorant and lazy response. It seems you also might be a little upset that I called you out on your troll behavior with all of your pseudo names on this site.
    If you want to try to belittle someone on this site because they might not have the same view point on a blind as you do then be prepared for a response back. The bottom line is that I disagreed with the integrity behind this blind and you obviously were offended and took it upon yourself to insult me and then TRY to dismiss me...which you still continue to fail at! I am sure you have a lot more trolling to do so you take care and carry on!
    xoxo :)

  28. Karin6:48 AM

    Lulu, I agree, it's definitely Harry Styles, the only question is, who is the lucky guy he's dating? Were the Larries right and it has been always Louis Tomlinson? Or has Harry moved on and it's his new flame this Xander Ritz everyone is whispering about? I'm curious how this unfolds.

  29. Music Girl7:13 AM

    Unproven? 1D HQ PR job? These two accounts have been publicly confirmed in the media by several of the parties involved "Harry publicly being outed by a husband for having an affair with his wife and now Louis knocking up a girl" Please do your research before you comment! Also, the word "gay" is not a problem and I wholeheartedly embrace it but labeling someones sexuality from homophobic speculation is!

  30. ellie8:52 AM

    it is! thank you! i cave :-D

  31. Nutty Flavor5:29 PM

    Style is happily, willfully, delightfully gay, and engaged to Louis Tomlinson. He's also a sports fan, as is his fiancé and the two other members of the group. Although it's hard to argue that a man who dances around onstage with a giant rainbow flag for a cape isn't already out, he and Louis will make it official within the next six months. Offstage, both are so cheerfully flamboyant that I've been told one requires a 'flame-proof suit' to hang out with them.

  32. Harmless Observation5:22 AM

    Harry seems like he would be bi. I'd bet he'd sleep with a guy or girl, if they're attractive.

  33. If it is not such a bad thing why do you care so much? He obviously doesn't.

  34. Honey; you're the only one ranting. Everyone else is rather chill.

  35. That affair story broke years ago. You really shouldn't believe everything you read in the press either.

  36. Could it be someone else? Harry Styles isn't "arguably" the most famous from 1D; there is no argument to be had that he is the most famous right now. Otherwise; maybe someone got Tennis and Lacross mixed up.

  37. I was responding to "Music Girl". Girl needs a backrub and some fine wine.

  38. no way1:00 AM

    Yeah, I have heard they have amazing relationship. So amazing that when they were in Chicago Louis has got his own hotel room and didn't mind at all that Harry shared his own one with Xander Ritz. But they are just bros, they were probably just watching sports, I suppose ;)
